Hey There, Delilah (18)

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I must have looked like I was a four-year-old looking through the window of a candy shop as I watched the rest of the show. I couldn't take my eyes away from everything that was happening. It was so different from the movie yet so similar in every way. I felt like such a child as I watched the show that was so amazing, and I never wanted to leave. I could watch it over and over and never get bored. It was just so amazing.

When it was over, I thought that I might actually cry. I couldn't believe that I actually got to see The Phantom of the Opera on Broadway. I couldn't believe that River actually took me to see it! It was such an amazing gift, and I didn't think I deserved it at all. Why would River get me something as amazing as this? That was just another thing that made him one of the sweetest guys in the world. I hated everyone who had ever said anything bad about him. He didn't deserve that at all.

"That was so amazing!" I cried once we got outside the theater, wrapping my arms around River's neck tightly. "Thank you so much! I can't even believe it!"

"Look at that couple over there, Archie. Don't they remind you of us? What a wonderful way to spend Valentine's Day..." I heard an old woman say to her husband as they walked passed us on the street.

 "Actually, it's her birthday today," River informed them before they could fully walk passed us. The old man smiled, nodding at me. I could tell that he wasn't in that great of a condition, so he probably couldn't even speak. But I found myself smiling when I saw the woman holding her husband's hand as if they were River's and my age. I really hoped that that would be me and my husband when we were old.

The old woman smiled at me, saying, "Well, happy birthday," before she continued to lead her husband down the street.

"You haven't told anyone happy Valentine's Day yet," I pointed out, pulling away from River and looking up at him curiously. I hadn't even heard the word valentine come out of his mouth all day. Even Seth wished me a happy Valentine's Day, which I found a little out of character for him. But whatever, I guess. It was better than having him yell at me about Avery or some other stupid thing that he couldn't tell me the reason for. "Why?"

River shrugged, turning on his heel away from me and stuffing his hands in his pockets before he started off toward the limo. I found myself walking as quickly as I could as I tried to stay in step with him, but he wasn't even trying to walk quickly. I think he might have actually been walking slowly. "You said you did like it when people talked about Valentine's Day instead of your birthday. I don't have anyone to say happy Valentine's Day to, anyway."

I felt bad for River. He didn't have anyone to say it to? He could say it to me, or... I don't know, a teacher? I realized then that I really didn't know anything about River's personal life except for the secret he didn't want me to know. That made me remember about his secret, and I immediately started feeling guilty for lying to him about Bekka. When was I going to tell him? I apparently didn't have the guts to, I was just too shy and I was scared of how he would react when he found out that I knew. He was being so nice now; I didn't want to ruin that.

"Thanks, River," I smiled, following him to the limo in silence. I wondered what Avery was doing then; I hadn't seen him all day. I was his girlfriend, and it was Valentine's day, but I hadn't seen him at all. Not to mention it was my birthday. But I didn't think Avery even knew that. I didn't really blame him, though. We hadn't ever talked about birthdays or holidays. That just made me think about how little I knew about Avery, but I was still going out with him. That was one thing that I didn't really understand myself.

It was silent for only about half the limo ride, because River had to speak and make me feel even guiltier than I had been only seconds before. "Thanks for being such a great friend, Delilah. I'm really glad I met you."

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