Hey There, Delilah (27)

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I hated when people stared at me.

And that was exactly what was happening as I paid for my lunch.

Is it that big of a shock that I'm going out with River? People seriously need to butt out of my personal life and mind their own business. It's my life, not theirs. It's not like they're my mother or anything. There just the annoying people I go to school with that all just happen to be all males.

My grip on my tray tightened as I made my way toward my table. They needed to stop watching me. I wasn't the most fascinating thing on the planet. It felt like it was my first day in Bentwood and they couldn't believe there was actually a girl in their school.

It wasn't that big of a surprise that I was going out with River! If it was as obvious as Seth had said it was, then all the boys should have seen it coming! Jeez, I hated when people stared at me! Just look away! Personal space, people! Even though they weren't touching me or anything... But still!

"Hello, wonderful, absolutely amazing, can't-live-without boyfriend of mine," I smiled, losing my anxiety as I sat next to River, wrapping my arms around him and squeezing him tightly.

I heard him chuckling as he put his arm around me, and Rex looked at us with disgust. "Are you sure you didn't slip her something when you two were tongue wrestling yesterday? She's acting like she's high."

I rolled my eyes, leaning into River even more. He was so warm and he smelled so good. I knew I was acting like a total fan girl in my mind, but I didn't really care. And I wasn't really surprised when Rex ruined a great moment between River and me the day before in my room.

River and I had been making out for only a few minutes before Rex burst in through the door, announcing that he had come up with something that cures cancer, or some nonsense like that. Boy, was he surprised when he saw us. He immediately forgot about his cancer cure, if he ever even had one.

I kicked him under the table. "You're just jealous because I have a boyfriend."

"I don't want a boyfriend!"

"Well, you do go to an all-boys school," Seth noted besides him, making Rex almost jump out of his skin.

"But so do you!"

"Yeah, but I've had a girlfriend before," Seth answered, chewing his salad.

Rex's eyebrows furrowed. "Yeah, a girlfriend that left you for one of your best friends!"

I kicked Rex under the table, and he gawked out in pain. My jaw dropped. I couldn't believe I actually hurt him! And my foot didn't even hurt at all!

"I'm fine, Delilah," Seth told me, going back to his salad. "I know he's just acting like an idiot and doesn't mean it. He's just jealous because he's never had a girlfriend before."

"I go to an all-boys school!"

I rolled my eyes at their childishness once again, ignoring them now and turning toward my lunch. My salad looked about ten times better than it usually did, for some reason that I didn't know at all. All the boys were really surprised when they saw that I was now going out with River and not Seth anymore, but I didn't really blame them very much. I would have been surprised if I was them, too. They all still thought that Seth and I were actually going out. They didn't know it was all fake.

I rested my head on River's shoulder, sighing in contentment. I could sit here with River all day. I was just so happy that we were finally together as boyfriend and girlfriend. I didn't care what people thought about us being together; they could think whatever they wanted. I didn't care what they thought about us. And I hoped that they would stop making fun of him.

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