Hey There, Delilah (31)

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I opened my eyes slowly, rubbing them after blinking a few times. My head was lying against something hard yet comfortable, and it went up and down with it a few times. I looked up and around and my surroundings for a moment, and I couldn’t remember where I was. I then looked down at River, who was still sleeping, and smiled, the memories flowing back into my head as his chest continued to go up and down.

I just looked down at his sleeping face for a while, almost mesmerized by it. I couldn’t believe that I hadn’t been in love with him ever since I met him. He was just so perfect in every single way. He was so sweet, and good-looking, and caring. The only thing I saw in Avery was his looks and fake kindness.

I bent my head down slowly to kiss his lips, letting it last a few seconds. I was about to pull away until I felt something at the back of my head, keeping me where I was so I wasn’t able to move. I was about to squawk and push myself away until I noticed that it was only River’s hand, which meant that he was awake.

“You scared the crap out of me, you idiot,” I said breathlessly once he let me pull away.

He grinned up at me, stroking my cheek lightly before saying, “Good morning to you, too, beautiful.”

I cheeks flushed slightly at his compliment, which he was probably always going to be able to do, no matter what kind of compliment he gave me. He could just do that, which I really hated. I didn’t like to blush, and he just so happened to be able to do it all the time.

River’s hand glided up and down my back, rubbing it as we just looked at each other. I didn’t remember what he had said the night before until then; how badly he wanted me and how irresistible I was to him. I remembered how his eyes looked, so wanting and lustful, as if he could have ripped all my clothes off if I only let him. It made me frown, thinking if he could really wait for me like he said he would. With that look he was giving me the night before, it didn’t seem like he could wait that much longer. I didn’t want to keep him waiting, but I just wasn’t ready yet. And even though he understood, I didn’t know how much longer he would.

“What’s wrong?” River asked, moving hair from in front of my face. I shook my head, forcing a smile onto my face.

“Nothing,” I lied.

“Delilah,” River said, looking like he didn’t believe me, which I knew he didn’t. “You can’t lie. You’re frowning and you look upset. What’s wrong?”

I let out a sigh, looking away from him then, suddenly uncomfortable and embarrassed. “I just… I was thinking about last night, that’s all. What you said to me…”

River looked confused at first, but he must have realized what I was talking about only a few seconds later. “I thought you said that you weren’t uncomfortable about what I said.”

“I wasn’t then,” I started, looking down at his chest now. “But I’m just thinking… the way you were looking at me, I could tell how much you wanted to… do it, and I feel really bad now. Can you really wait for me until I’m ready? I would understand if you can’t, because I guess I’m being unfair. Kids our age do it all the time, right? I shouldn’t be scared of it. But I am. A lot. I just feel like such a bad girlfriend for--”

He didn’t let me finish, though, because he cut me off my tenderly kissing me on the lips. “You’re not a bad girlfriend,” he informed me. “And I don’t care how long it take until you’re ready. I told you before, I’m ready whenever you are. I’ll wait forever.”

I nodded, now looking at the bed sheets. “Thank you,” I whispered, laying my head back onto his bare chest. I felt his hand on my head, and I found my eyes closing once again. I couldn’t believe how lucky I was to have him. He was just too perfect.

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