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Diagon Alley & Ollivanders

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Jimin hummed as he looked around Diagon alley, bustling with life and busy people. "I can't believe I'm actually here for things this time!"

Meanwhile, Jungkook was dashing from place to place, quite literally bouncing off the walls. "Jimin what's this?" He asked pointing to a shop.

"The cauldron shop." Jimin raised an eyebrow, did muggles not even know what cauldrons were?

Jungkook nodded. "And this?" 

"The robe shop."

"And this?"

"Quidditch supplies."

"What's quidditch?"

"A sport?"


"This is going to be a long day..." Jimin sighed.

Yuju ran back over to both of them. "I got the books from Flourish and Blotts!" She chirped. "How's the muggle-born doing?"

"He's..." Jimin glanced over to Jungkook who bounded around while bothering the vendors. "Fine? At least he's not freaked out like earlier." 

"OH- MY- GOD-" Jungkook yelled as he pressed his face to the glass of Eeylops Owl Emporium. "I! WANT! ONE!"

Jimin shuffled over to the glass. "We have an owl... He's a nice spotted owl. Good at carrying letters and packages."

"Look at that one!" Jungkook muttered against the glass pointing to a particularly small owl.

"That owl is tiny, it probably won't be good at work," Jimin commented seeing the small bird preen its feathers. 

Jungkook pulled away from the glass with a pout. "But... It's cute..."

Jimin sighed. "Well, we can go to Gringotts and transfer your muggle money into our money so you can get him."

"REALLY?" Jungkook beamed. So, that's exactly what they did. Jungkook exchanged some of his money for eight galleons and was now carrying around a saw-whet owl. "I'm gonna name him Rowlet."

"Rowlet? What's a rowlet?"

"A pokemon!"


Jimin's mom called for them. "Boys! Time to go to Ollivanders!" She said guiding them over to the shop.

"WAIT FOR ME!" Yuju yelled. "I wanna see what wand Jimin ends up with!"

Jimin breathed in the smell of the wand shop, it smelled very nice. Wood and magic, new beginnings. "Hey, Olivia!" He said, truthfully he liked looking at wands all the time, dreaming of the day he could get his own.

A young person dashed out from the back with a smile. "It's Ollie now actually... I thought I should at least keep the vibe of the name. Granddad would be proud he has another son to continue the business though."

"You cut your hair!" Yuju shoved her brother out of the way. "It looks so good! It fits your face really well!"

"Thank you!" Ollie chirped. "So... Wands!" He reached under the table and put a stack of boxes on the table.

Jimin smiled as he picked up one and swished it around, although nothing happened. "Hmm..."

"Here try this one, it's more whippy," Ollie recommended. As soon as it touched Jimin's fingertips it emitted a bright glow. "There we go. It's hazel, eleven inches, with a dragon heartstring core. Hazel wands are capable of outstanding magic with an owner that has good wits to them. Although it's prone to absorbing emotions so... Be careful."

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