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Hogsmeade Drama

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"NAMJOOOOOON!" Jin chimed as he threw open the door. 

"Jin for the last time! I'm not going to Hogsmeade!" Namjoon pushed up his glasses as he returned to his work. By work, of course, that meant around nine books spread open on a table. 

Jin rolled his eyes. "You've been studying nonstop since you got here. It's time for you to take a break." Jin insisted. 

"I don't need a break, I need to study," Namjoon grumbled.

"Accio," Jin said as Namjoon's glasses flew into his hands. "Can you at least clean these?" He asked tapping the frames a few times. The glass becoming clear again, void of smudges.

Namjoon took his glasses back by the bridge. "Thank you..."

Jin bent down to peer over the edge of the table. "Namjoooooon."

"Seokjiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiin." Namjoon mocked his housemates tone. 

"Please, you deserve a break. We can hang out with the Hufflepuff's and drink butterbeer!" Jin coaxed. 

Namjoon sighed in defeat. "Alright, I'll go." 

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Hoseok frowned as he looked under his bed. "Where is he?" He asked.

"Are you still looking for the cat?" Yoongi asked.

"Yeah! I thought I could take him to Hogsmeade!" Hoseok defended.

"I'm starting to think this cat is made up," Yoongi said adjusting his tie. 

Hoseok frowned again as he stared at Yoongi. "He's real! I swear! You think I'd lie to you?" Hoseok asked looking into the older's brown eyes. They looked strangely familiar, yet he couldn't quite place it.

"No..." Yoongi mumbled. "Maybe it's better he doesn't go to Hogsmeade anyway. There are dogs and creatures that can hurt him." He said changing the topic.

Hoseok sighed. "I guess you're right..."

"Your heart is very big Hoseok, but isn't Syubie feral? I mean you just found him wandering the castle." Yoongi said awkwardly shaking his head to fix his hair. 

"I guess you're right. It's just... He seems so domestic though? He likes being held and doesn't mind people?"

"Maybe if he keeps running off he minds people more than you think." Yoongi patted Hoseok's back. "Let's just go to Hogsmeade." He said.

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Jimin hummed a small tune in his head as he waited for Taehyung outside of Honeydukes. Hearing a group laugh and giggle around the back of the building. Getting curious he peeked to see what was happening. 

His Slytherin housemate by the name of, Clem was talking with a few others. He found himself eavesdropping on their conversation. 

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