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Yoongi sighed as he held out his arm for his family's great-horned owl. "You're going to get in trouble if they figure out you're coming to see me." He scolded. "After the howler, they were very clear I wouldn't be able to have any of the family assets... That includes you Kronos."

The owl pecked his finger. 

"OW! Rude... Alright, maybe I'm wrong maybe you hate me too." Yoongi muttered letting the owl step off his arm and onto a ledge. 

Yoongi did well in his studies at Hogwarts, yet that seemed about the only thing he was doing well at. His family hated him, wouldn't bat an eye at him when he returned over the summers. He spent holidays at Hogwarts because it was better than home, yet he still didn't feel right within the castle.

Most of the Hufflepuffs were cautious around him because of his family and their reputation. The Slytherins didn't like him either because he didn't get sorted there like the rest of his family. The Gryffindors didn't hate him, but they weren't too fond of him considering the head of Gryffindor house favored him in transfiguration. The Ravenclaws actually didn't pay too much attention to him, only when he beat them in exams, and were wary of him because everyone else was.

Truthfully he didn't feel like he fit in any house. Everyone else had their friends and their clicks and he remained an outsider.

Yoongi felt a slight twinge. "Someone's coming." He muttered quickly darting around a corner. 

"Yoongi?" Hoseok called as he entered the owlrey. He sighed as he saw nothing, although raising his eyebrow when he saw the Min's owl. "What are you doing here? Does that mean you can't find Yoongi either? Or did I just miss him?"

Hoseok sent the owl off and left the owlery. Continuing to look for the other Hufflepuff elsewhere. Not noticing Yoongi slip right by him.

"HAS ANYBODY SEEN YOONGI?" Hoseok called out loudly to the Hufflepuff common room. All he got was head shakes in return. Hoseok simply sighed as he left the common room and went past the kitchen, bumping into Jin who had just snuck out of it.

"Oh hey, Hoseok." Jin smiled.

"What are you doing here in the kitchens? It's a long way from Ravenclaw tower." Hoseok questioned attempting to look past Jin into the kitchen.

"I'm attempting to make butterbeer. Don't tell anyone though, it's forbidden to bring it back to Hogwarts." Jin rolled his eyes. "But it is delicious... Anyway, you look like you're looking for something?"

Hoseok's face dropped. "Yeah, Yoongi. Ever since third year, he's gotten awfully distant... I can never find him, but he's the best person at transfiguration in the school. I accidentally turned my history book into a plant... I can't get it back."

Jin frowned. "Well... I don't think I can get your book back but I have a spell to find Yoongi." He smiled. The Ravenclaw made his way to the great hall with Hoseok following close behind. "This should be a good starting place." He hummed.

"So what's the plan?" Hoseok asked looking around at the few clumps of students that were studying. 

Jin plucked a feather out of his bag. "Avenseguim." He whispered as the feather spring to life. Flickering back and forth before darting out of the room. "Follow it!" He said running after the object. 

"What is that thing?" Hoseok quickly ran after Jin, both of them trying to keep up.

"It turns an object into a tracking spell!" Jin explained.

"Aren't tracking spells prohibited? How did you even learn it? Kelsey refuses to teach it in charms!" Hoseok took out his wand in order to carry his books behind him, making it easier to run.

Jin laughed. "Ignorance is bliss... Yet if you must know, the restricted section in the library." He smiled as they rounded yet another corner. 

"Jin you're a prefect too!" Hoseok accused.

"Yeah? How do you think I got into that section of the library in the first place?" Jin huffed.

Hoseok rolled his eyes. "You're supposed to practice model behavior. I thought you Ravenclaws were prim and proper?"

Jin shook his head. "Being a Ravenclaw is more about your intuition and being clever than one might think. Although, a thirst for knowledge helps." He hummed with a wink. "Your friend sure likes hiding doesn't he."

"Apparently..." Hoseok muttered remembering the reason tracking spells were prohibited in the first place. As it was considered unethical to track someone without a viable reason. "Wait Jin- Maybe he doesn't want to be found for a reason!" 

Jin skidded to a halt. "Well, it's too late to back out now."

"Are you sure you aren't a Slytherin?" Hoseok wondered.

Jin shrugged. "You aren't the first person to ask me that." He stated before flicking his wand back at the feather. "We're here anyway... Go get him."

Hoseok looked around and didn't see Yoongi. "Uh... I don't see him, did it work?" 

"He's close, the trick has never failed me before. I like using it when Namjoon has lost something. You think after forty times of losing his cauldron he'd remember where he left it."  Jin sighed as he patted Hoseok's shoulder.

Hoseok looked around, they were out near the old gamekeeper's hut. No one currently resided in it, instead it was used as an infirmary of sorts for wounded creatures, give them a place to stay while they recovered, and were then released back into the wild. 

"Yoongi! Yoongi I know you're here! You can't avoid me forever!" Hoseok yelled as he circled around the hut. Finding Yoongi sitting at the backside. "Well hello to you."

"Hi..." Yoongi muttered back.

"Avoiding people again?" Hoseok held his hand out to help Yoongi up. He noticed how Yoongi's sleeve slid down exposing the pretty jewelry on the older's wrist. "I never knew you liked bracelets."

Yoongi looked down at the ground. "Yeah... I do... And uh... Yeah." Yoongi muttered awkwardly, everytime he talked to Hoseok it really made him question why the sorting hat put him in Hufflepuff, they were so different from one another.

"So... I kinda turned my book into a plant..." Hoseok started. 

Yoongi chuckled. "Alright, I'll change it back for you."

"I knew I could count on you." Hoseok chirped as they made their way back to the castle. "That is when you don't disappear." He joked.

"I'm sorry..." Yoongi scratched the back of his head. "Maybe I'll try and be around more..."

Hoseok flashed Yoongi a heart-shaped smile. "You should, I like seeing your face more often."

"Oh..." Yoongi mumbled. 

"I have a quidditch game against the Ravenclaws next week. You should come." Hoseok offered.

"Really? I thought you wouldn't want me there." Yoongi said making Hoseok stop walking.

Hoseok tilted his head. "Why wouldn't I want you there?" He asked which made Yoongi snort. Although when Hoseok didn't respond the older realized he was being serious.

"Oh... Just... I'm not really, well-liked?" Yoongi questioned. "You're popular I wouldn't want to ruin your reputation."

Hoseok laughed. "Don't worry about it. But you'll be there, right? I'm going to need someone to cheer me on."

"Yeah, I'll be there."

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When this was supposed to be a random short spontaneous AU but it's getting more complicated by the second... Sigh... Why am I like this...

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