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6th year

(Yes I'm doing a massive time jump because I don't wanna write them as 11 y/o and it would be weird considering what I have planned)

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"WE ARE THE CHAMPIONS~ MY FRIENDSSSS~" Jungkook yelled in the Gryffindor common room after beating the Slytherins at the first quidditch match of the year. "AND WE'LL KEEP ON FIGHTING TILL THE ENNNNND! WE ARE THE CHAMPIONS, NO TIME-"

"FOR LOSERS!" The rest of Gryffindor house chimed in.

"BECAUSE WE ARE THE CHAMPIONS~ OFFFFFFFFF HOGWARTTTTSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSS!" Jungkook screamed as they all cheered and whistled. Jungkook and Taehyung jumped around together. Ever since getting sorted into the same house, their friendship was unbreakable.

Jungkook and Jimin still talked as well. Just not in the way you'd expect... After they both landed seeker for their respective houses both of their competitive natures took a toll on their relationship. For the past six years, they had been keeping a tally of the following things. 

[Offical Snitch's Caught]
PJM: 8 JJK: 10

[Unoffical Snitch's Caught]
PJM: 52 JJK: 49

[Quaffles Caught]
PJM: 138 JJK: 153

[Quaffles Dropped]
PJM: 113 JJK: 135

[Quaffles Scored]
PJM: 27 JJK: 19

[Bludgers Avoided]
PJM: 87 JJK: 72

[Bludgers Not Avoided]
PJM: 23 JJK: 46

[Bones Broken]
PJM: 3 JJK: 2

[Brooms Broken]
PJM: 1 JJK: 0

[Fell off Broom]
PJM: 17 JJK: 20

And this final note from Jimin which Jungkook refused to acknowledge. 

[Times a Gryffindor was too much of a chicken to go into the shrieking shack despite one of their house traits being courage]
PJM: 0 <Will remain 0
JJK: 2 <It's the fact it happened not once but two time Jeon

Their rivalry was well known to the school, bringing up old tension between Slytherin and Gryffindor house.

Last year's O.W.L's didn't help with their rivalry either, betting who could get better grades in their classes. 

Jimin got an O in potions while Jungkook managed an A. They both got an E in charms and transfiguration. They both managed O's in herbology and defense against the dark arts. Jungkook got an O in muggle studies and Jimin was pleasantly surprised with an A. Jimin got an O in History of Magic. And Jungkook got an O in care of magical creatures, thanks to Taehyung helping him study.

Taehyung had done remarkably well on his O.W.L's. Getting O's in herbology, charms, muggle studies, care of magical creatures, history of magic, and astronomy.

Six O's were impressive but everyone preferred to talk about how Namjoon managed twelve. The Ravenclaw had a beautiful barn owl to show off as a gift for doing so well on his exams. Another two students that did well were Jin with eight O's and Yoongi with ten.

Jin fell short in defense against the dark arts, potions, muggle studies, and ancient runes.

Yoongi only missed muggle studies and arithmancy. Everyone was shocked at how well he did in divination, seemingly out of nowhere. But even then his divination skills were almost laughable compared to his transfiguration skills. People swore up and down he could perform transfiguration spells in his sleep.

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