"Can you remember?"

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I woke up and there I was. I looked around and I could see a television and a machine right by my side. I could see my beats there... I was at the hospital. I just thought "oh no...". At my left there was a person sitting on a chair... A male person...

"He... Hello..." I said barely.

"Hey hon... Are you alright?"

"Who are you? Why are you calling me hon?!" I said screaming. I was scared, I didn't remember who was that guy... Why was he there? Why was a stranger with me? So many questions and no answers.

"You don't remember me? Really Al? Please don't do that to me..." He said.

I was nervous so I immediately called the doctor.

"So what do we have here?..." The doctor said as he looked to my files. "Alison Sveen, right?"

"Right doctor... Can you please tell me who's this person right here?" And I pointed to the man.

"Well... Wait, you can't remember him?" He said supeised.

"No... If I knew him I didn't asked."

"Oh shit..." And he looked at the man. In a second the doctor picked up the guy and went outside the room...

They got outside for ten minutes and thery finally went over the room.

"Mrs. Alison, can you remember anything before your blackout?" Spoke the doctor.

"Well I remember that I was at home with and my that showed up and he punched me and... That's all I remember..." I answered.

"So you don't remember the man that was with you?" He said as he looked to the guy that was in my room when I woke up.

"No..." I said scared and a little curious. There was a man with me... Maybe he saved me... I needed to find him.

"Well, don't worry sis... I'll be here with you to help your recovery." Said the guy.

"You said 'sis'?" I said speechless.

"Yeah! Don't you remember me?! Come on Al, you need to remember me!" He said happily.

"I believe in you... Of course you are my brother! I remember! But ... I can't remember your name..."

"Vincent, my name is Vincent sis!" He said as tears started to fall from his eyes.

I couldn't believe that he was my brother! The truth is that I couldn't remember him... But something was telling me to believe in that guy... So I did!

I just hopped that nothing wrong would happened after that.

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