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"Hello FAE."

"Okay, drink lots of water and I'm gonna get you a vitamin C pill. You cannot get sick, okay?" Betty said to Ned before running off as he answered with, "Okay. Thanks, baby."

Peter walked out of the hotel with his bag in hand and over to his best friend. "Hey, man, are you sure you're good?"

"Oh, dude. I'm fine. Okay? Don't worry. Seriously, getting tranq'd in the neck by Nick Fury, probably the coolest thing to ever happen to me anyway." He said, waving him off.

"It is pretty awesome."


The two of them started doing their secret handshake while Peter continued to talk, "I'm just happy I don't have to go to Prague."

"Well, at least you would be going with Elara."

"Right..." Maybe he didn't think about that.

"Good news! We're going to Prague." Mr. Harrington said, walking out of the hotel with the angel behind him, shocked herself to hear the news. That was the place the eyepatch man tried to send her and Peter.



Their classmates questioned while he explained himself further, "Yeah. The tour company called. They ungraded us. You should've heard me on the phone with them. I really gave them hell."

"All I heard was crying." Mr. Dell said with his hands on his hips, not knowing about this either.

The whole class walked around the corner as Mr. Harrington said, "Look at our upgraded ride!"

"Whoa, bro. You see that?"

"It's pretty sick."


"I'm impressed, Mr. Harrington."

"Oh come on."

The chattering of the students and their excitement seemed to let Elara and the two boys hang back go unnoticed. "Peter, what—? What's going on?" Ned asked, clearly confused.

"I think Nick Fury just hijacked our summer vacation." Peter answered with a sigh.

Elara leaned her head up to his ear and asked, not taking her eyes off the man standing in front of the bus, who she squinted her eyes at, "Isn't that the man with the big gun?"

Peter nodded.

"The one with the Eyepatch man?"

He nodded again.

"Okay. Just making sure."

He didn't stop her as she picked up her bag and skipped forwards towards the bus, stopping into of the stairs into the vehicle to turn and wave to the man that once had the big gun. He gave her the smallest wave back before she walked inside, Peter watching her the entire time.

"Awesome." Ned said beside him before following the angel.



E A S T E R N  A L P S,  A U S T R I A

The bus was on the road, all the students were sat in the two person seats while the teachers found their own spots away from each other.

All the way in the back, with the largest window was a almost four person seat with Peter and Elara sitting there. There was a small space between them as she didn't want to be completely sitting on his lap for a the whole trip.

+When Angels Fall+ Peter ParkerWhere stories live. Discover now