Chapter 3 - Gravity Falls In Shambles

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Previously: Bill saw Pinetree curling into a ball. He was glad that pain was finally coming to the boy.

He was still on his throne, looking down on the Earth. He loved the agony he was causing! The party with no rules that he was controlling. The universe was finally giving what he deserved! I DESERVE EVERYTHING! Bill cackled. He was ready for more. And more was he getting.

(3rd Person POV)

5 Days Later With Mabel

Mabel was sitting on her bed, unable to do anything. She's stayed in her room as just thought about Dipper. She clutched her chest. A feeling of regret that wasn't able to go away. Why Dipper? Why did you have to do that? Mabel curled into a ball. Remembering what her brother did for her. 

A knock on the door woke Mabel from her regret. "Who is it?" Mabel demanded, her voice raspy. She didn't want anyone in her room. "It's your grunkles." Stan tried to sound enthusiastic but it only sounded like he was sick. "We have breakfast downstairs," Ford said with a positive attitude, but he, too, was feeling down. They had just lost Dipper. A special boy with a heart of adventures. 

Mabel didn't want to go but, she heard her stomach grumble. "I-I'm coming..." Mabel uttered. You could hear happy sighs from the door. Mabel didn't come down to eat a lot, only when it was required. She got up from her bed and noticed the empty bed beside her. She looked down to stop herself from sobbing. 

As she entered the kitchen, the people there saw her messed up hair and worn-out clothes. Mabel stopped considering how she looked, this only discouraged the others. Mabel was always smiling but, after Weirdmageddon went global, that stopped. 

Pacifica saw this and pushed her back up the stairs. "Woah! What are you doing, Pacifica?!" Mabel shouted, wanting her to stop. "You look atrocious," Pacifica voiced her concern. "I need to help you out or you'll feel even worse. Just trust me, a new outfit will make you feel better." Pacifica slightly smiled. She hated how Mabel looked and acted. She needed Mabel to feel better so she could. 

Pacifica forced Mabel to take a shower. After her shower, Pacifica combed her hair while Mabel brushed her teeth. 

Later, I searched her closet for something that screamed Mabel. "Ah!" Pacifica turned around to face Mabel. She was holding a red sweater that had Waddles' sown into it. "This one is good! For you, of course." Pacifica snorted. Mabel slightly smiled. She went back to the closet to put the sweater on and came out with another sweater, a red one with Mabel sown into it. Mabel ran to find Waddles and put the sweater on him. She smiled. A real smile. 

Pacifica ran in, panting. She looked up to see the smile. Pacifica also smiled but shook it off. "Waddles has been inside all day," Pacifica told Mabel while leaning on the doorway. "Oh...right...I haven't been out much. Is it safe?" Mabel requested. She hadn't been outside at all. I've only seen the edge of the forest from my window. Mabel thought. "Because of Dipper's deal, it isn't as bad. There are a few of those weird monsters roaming around but, they aren't able to directly attack us." Pacifica blurted to Mabel. She needed to know that Dipper's deal wasn't in vain. "There, also, are those weird bubbles. So annoying," Pacifica rolled her eyes. She tried to avoid them at all costs. 

Mabel laughed a little, color-popping in her cheeks. She was feeling better. "Let's go walking, Waddles!" Mabel grinned and picked up her pig. They walked out, with Pacifica following. 

Mabel had a leash on Waddles. She wanted, no need, the pig to stay close to her at all times. They walked around the Shambled Falls. It was slowly dying. Mabel looked at Greasy's Diner, the one where she ate pancakes with Stan and Dipper. It looked worn down and shattered. The once happy memories turned into saddened realities. 

They continued to walk, Mabel inching the leash closer to her. Mabel set her eyes toward anything she found memorable. The place where Grunkle Stan was trying to be mayor, the museum where she and Dipper found the Blind Eye Society, and when the town was celebrating Pioneer Day and the Mystery Twins found the eighth-and-a-half US President, still alive. 

Mabel almost smiled but realized that all of that was gone. It was in ashes now. 

Pacifica saw that Mabel had tears in her eyes but let her be. She was feeling what they all felt, guilt. "Do you want to walk around more?" Pacifica was genuinely wanting an answer. All Mabel did was nod. She couldn't speak. She didn't need to speak. Pacifica knew what she needed.

As they walked, a shadow was climbing over them. Mabel didn't want to look up so Pacifica did instead. It was the Fearamid looking over them. Only if you were here. They both thought. Maybe all of this would be over if they had Dipper.

With Dipper (Dipper's POV & Around The Same Time)

I've been in here for what feels like forever. I've had a few visits with all sorts of hench-maniacs. They all wanted to torture me. It was why I was there. For their pleasure. 

I walk over to my nook. It was the perfect thing to get my mind off of everything. I wanted a book from the Greek times and there it was. In one of the corners of the bookcase. I beamed and grabbed it. 

I must have been studying it intensely instead of reading because hours passed. I giggled. At least I still have my books to keep me company! I put the book up and it disappeared into the shelf. I walked over to my human-skinned bed and gagged at the sight of it. I ended up sleeping on the floor again. I had to stay positive! For Mabel. She must be exhausted. I thought as I tried to sleep. The twins were, usually, inseparable. But this wasn't the case.

I need to see Mabel. Dipper reflected. He needed a plan. One that may take some time. But it would be all worth it for Mabel. The young brunet slept at the thought of, maybe, finally getting to see his sister again. 

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