Chapter 17 - Calm Before the Storm Pt. 3

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Previously: Beep.

Her head spin so fast it could've been broken. Everyone stopped.


They all looked to Ford, who was sheepishly smiling. That sound--


--Signaled their smiles. They found him. And with him. Bill.





3rd Person POV - With The Search Group

They ran. They ran as fast as they all could once everyone heard the sound:


It seemed so foreign yet so comfortable. Mabel looked at Ford and Ford looked at her.


They were both thinking the same thing. This time they would get Dipper and bring him home.


Ford looked back at his beeping machine and continued to run in the direction the group was going.


Ford stopped which, caused everyone to stumble and or fall.


"He's only a few miles away. We should save our energy and go to a maximum of speedwalking."


Everyone nodded their head and began speedwalking for their lives. Dipper was so close yet so far away.


After minutes of the loud sound from the machine and the group's speedwalking, they arrived at an open clearing. They looked at Ford, hoping he can answer their questions.


"He's supposed to be right here!" Ford yelled.

On the other side of the shield, Dipper was freaking out. Once they noticed the group, Dipper grabbed his boyfriend possessively, to not let him go. Bill had to admit it was cute to see him act that way but, he had more important things in mind. Well, he let his mind think about Dipper for a minute or two before going to the topic on hand.

Bill gently stroked Dipper's hair to reassure the boy. "Hey. They can't see us and won't be able to until tomorrow." Dipper looked up to Bill. He saw his soft smile trying to comfort him, telling him that everything was alright. Dipper slightly smiled and curled himself into Bill's chest.

"When?" Dipper asked. Bill looked a bit confused. Dipper sighed and reworded his sentence: "When will the shield be gone? Will Weirdmaggedon end at the same time?"

"Oh!" Bill stretched the word, signaling he finally understood. "Late in the morning or noon. And yes, they will happen around the same time."

Dipper nodded his headed and squeezed Bill tighter. "Then please don't leave me alone until then."

Bill smiled and squeezed the boy as well. "I won't ever leave you. I promise." The two boys sat there, listening to the group's grunts and groans, trying to find Dipper. It wasn't comforting to listen to their yelling, but they had each other. And that was all that mattered.

"Where is he? Where is Cipher?!" They heard Mabel yell. That caught Dipper's attention as he lifted his head away from Bill's chest to look at his distraught sister. "Dipper is probably being hurt right now! Or forced under Bill's doing!" She was now pacing back and forth. Dipper didn't like the look on his twin sister's face but, she was yelling things that weren't true. It made Dipper mad. They were treating Bill like a monster when he wasn't!

"Can we go inside? I don't want to hear their lies." Dipper hissed. Bill nodded. He took Dipper by the hand and walked into Bill's room. Once inside, they laid on his bed. Dipper looked around, taking in Bill's unseen bedroom. "So much yellow," Dipper noted. Bill rolled his eyes and looked at his surroundings with Dipper. His room was about the same setup as Dipper's. A large yellow and black with triangle bed and sheets. A black wooded colored desk with a few pens and paper stacked neatly. A mirror where Dipper's corkboard was in his room. An area for chess instead of a nook and a door to a bathroom. "Want to play some chess?" Dipper asked and Bill nodded.

As the boys were playing, the demons were beginning to play One Night Ultimate Werewolf, and the group was searching every nook and cranny of the area Bill should be in. While they were all busy, the hole in the sky began to shrink and take all the creatures and weirdness back to its rightful place. You could even see the sky begin to darken as it was turning night.

The Next Morning

The group searching went back to the shack to get a night's rest. They did and began packing to take the long journey back to the clearing.

The demons were still playing the human games, yelling and screaming.


Dipper groaned at the sudden noise and covered himself and, without knowing, Bill under the safety of the blanket they shared.

"AH! Draw four, sucker!!"

Dipper cuddled into Bill to get more sleep. Bill just laid with Dipper, seeing him struggle with the sound from downstairs.

"PEANUT BUTTER! You have to draw two since you didn't say 'Uno!'"

Bill quickly put his arms around Dipper and held him closer. He had enough of the screaming and yelling that he wanted to storm downstairs and scream as well. But he knew that Dipper wouldn't want more yelling or for Bill to go away.


"How do you keep doing that?! CHEATER!!"

Dipper groaned again and took the blanket off to be blinded by a, almost, ran of sunshine. "Ugh. The sun is so bright." Dipper complained but soon realized something. The sun was beginning to show!

Dipper jumped out of bed, which startled Bill, and stared out the window. He could still see the hole in the sky with it being that red color but, the sun's rays were shining through! Dipper jumped up in excitement and Bill was finally able to get up to see what Dipper was, now as well, screaming about. "Bill, don't you see? You can see and feel the sun's rays! Weirdmageddon is ending soon!" Dipper jumped up and down, ready to see and feel the warmth of the day, and the cold of the night. He couldn't wait to see the stars and moon. The Big Dipper he was nicknamed after. He couldn't wait for the rainy days to stay inside all day or to play outside, to feel the water drip onto your forehead and slid down to your cheek. He couldn't wait to see the leaves changing throughout the seasons, jump onto the leaves in the fall, look and smell the flowers blooming in spring, the hot rays of the sun in summer, and the snow days in winter. He couldn't wait for all the things he's missed and to share them with Bill. To have more memories with him and, hopefully, his family. Dipper hugged Bill and snuggled into his chest. Bill smiled and put his head on top of Dipper's. Soon, they will be able to see the end of the rainbow.

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