Chapter Eight

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Apollo was pacing back and forth. Running his hands through his hair, over and over, much to Eros' displeasure.

"Will you stop ruining your hair?" Eros finally snapped. He immediately regreted it when Apollo glared at him.

"Can you not lose a god?"

"For the last time Apollo, he ran off while we were laughing. It's not a big deal," Triton said smoothly as if he wasn't panicking worse than Phobos in a themepark five minutes ago.

"MY SON IS MISSING?!" Poseidon practically screamed when he ran over to the four gods.

"NO HE ISN'T!" a voice screamed from a distance.

Kymopoleia poped up a few seconds later and pointed at Triton. "You're son is right here. Fresh as Eros on Valentines."

"Me on what?" Eros questioned.

"Nothing. Figure of speech," Kim replied waving the god off.

"It's really not," said Athena appearing out of nowhere, doing what she does best- correcting people when they're wrong. She left as soon as she made eye-contact with Poseidon.

Anteros watched her leave, then turned to his father. "Ok so there was more tension there than a bull and Pasiphaë on a friday night. Did something happen? Eros did you make something happen?"

"Nope," Eros said gleefully. The love god was wearing a bright pink dress that set him apart from everybody else as the brightest person in the room. Even over Apollo, who had his hair emitting light. His dress hugged his sides and only went over one shoulder. Leaving the other bare to show off the purple butterfly tattoo that he had donned for the night. He had told them that he was doing it for Psyche, that he always had a butterfly tattoo visible somewhere. Anteros confirmed that statement.

The sun god was wearing a navy suit that went surprisingly well with his pale yellow shirt. The top three buttons undone. His suit jacket hung open as he paced back and forth. Still running his hands through his shinning hair.

Anteros had made his wings disappear. He wore a grey suit and a pale green shirt along with it. He had it buttoned the full way up but wasn't wearing a tie because 'Ties always try to kill me, how on Atlantis are tou supposed to breathe with them.'

It pained Apollo to look at him. He looked exactly like Percy. The way his hair fell in front of his face. The way his face easily shifted through emotions. The way he held himself with silent confidence, as if to say 'No, you move'.

Poseidon gave the two love gods a tired look, obviously used to them trying to pair him and Athena together. Going on about a good enemies to lovers trope.

Apollo's eyes darted around the room. Searching for a familiar black haired god. Instead he saw Artemis waving at him. He warily walked over to where his sister stood beside Britomartis.

"Um hi I guess," Apollo greeted them.

Britomartis eyed him up and down, "Looking well Apollo. Who are you all dressed up for? A mirror?"

The two ginger goddesses smirked and Apollo deeply regreted walking over here. He was probably going to end up tied to a firework by his shoelaces.

Wait, he didn't have shoelaces. Ok that is slightly better, he thought.

"Why did you want me over here?" he asked Artemis, completely ignoring Britomartis' existence.

"You're looking for him aren't you?" Artemis said vaguely.

Apollo made a face. "Can you give me a straight answer for once?"

"Can you be straight for once?" Artemis replied.

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