Chapter Nineteen

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"Bubbles I am your maid of honour, not the satyr," Kym protested.

"Grover's my best friend!" Percy argued back.

"I'm your sister!"

"Once again, Grover is my best friend."

Annabeth leaned over to whisper in Triton's ear, "Do they always do that?"

"You'd be surprised," Triton whispered back, watching the argument with glee.

Thanatos was also watching the argument, resting his chin on his boyfriends shoulder while having his arms wrapped around the shorter gods waist.

"From what Tri has told me, I would say they do that a lot," Thanatos said.

"Oi you two stop reminding me of how single I am," Kym said pointing at the offending couple.

Poseidon sighed, "Kym you're married."

"Well I want a divorce!"

"Then sort that out with Hera," Poseidon said dryly, forever the common sense filter among his children.

"You know what? Thats exactly what I'm gonna do!"

"Thats why I said it."

Triton sighed and leaned his head to the side to rest it on top of Thanatos'.

Kym shot Thanatos and Triton a glare before turning back to Percy, "I will be your maid of honour Perseus."

"I thought you were getting a divorce," Percy shot back.

"I will be your maid of honour first, then divorce."

Thanatos raised an eyebrow, "So while one happy couple gets married another will fall apart?"

"Bold of you to assume I'm happy," Kym deadpanned.

Annabeth started laughing.

Kym grinned and pointed at Annabeth, "I like this one."

Grover watched Kym in fear from his hiding spot behind Percy. "I say let your sister be your maid of honour."

Percy gaped, "Grover you're supposed to be on my side!"

Grover ducked down again when the attention of all the gods in the room was drawn towards him. "I like not being smited thank you very much."

"Don't worry, I'll protect you from my sister."

"I'm not that confident in your abilities dude."

Kym grinned at Percy, "I wouldn't be confident that he could take me on either."


"Thank you."

Triton moved his head to whisper in Thanatos' ear, "I'd say if we left now they wouldn't notice."

Thanatos thought for a moment, "It's either in here and listen to the argument or go out and listen to Hera yell at Zeus."

Triton hummed, "So stay here then?"

"I know that you're loving watching this," Thanatos said.

Triton just smiled and turned back to watch the argument. Leaning back against his boyfriend.

Annabeth watched the couple, "You two are adorable."

Kym appeared at Annabeth's side, trying and failing to comfortably rest her arm upon the demigods shoulder. "I know, I want to throw up."

Annabeth didn't reply, instead she rested her arm on the goddesses shoulder. Able to do it comfortably as she was a few inches taller.

Percy groaned, "You said that about me and Apollo too!"

Perseus, God Of Natural DisastersOnde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora