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Jeongyeon stares at Nayeon. It doesn't have the effect she aimed for, instead it makes her pout deeper and eyes curve. It's hard to say no when Nayeon looks at her like a freaking pleading face emoji.

"Talk to her please." She tugs on her shirt, pulls her in the direction Mina has just stomped off to.

"Angry penguin, scary penguin." She tries to point out weakly.

"You're my best friend." Nayeon whines, grabs her hand and drags her along to the flat she shares with Mina.

Jeongyeon draws a deep breath, lifts a hand to knock on the door.

Nayeon pushes it open.

A plush toy comes flying in their direction.

Jeongyeon grits her teeth, because Nayeon sidesteps last second and the toy lands on her face.

"Baby." Nayeon keeps her watch when Mina's eyes search for another soft object to take aim. "I swear I didn't know she was going to give me her number."

Her girlfriend's eyes glint when she finds a bunny toy on top of the drawer.

She swings it at her, and Nayeon ducks. "What did you think she was going to do when you said awww Talia, that's a beautiful name!" She lays her hands on her hips, eyes turning to slits as she glares at Nayeon. "Fitting for a beautiful girl." She mimicks Nayeon's tone in an exaggerated flirty voice and the corner of the older girl's lip twitches to break into a smile.

She bites it back and takes a few steps forward, only to stop when a kitchen roll hits her square in the shoulder.

"I'd suggest the toaster next to the kitchen roll." Jeongyeon chimes in. "If you're trying to really knock some sense into her."

Nayeon gapes at her friend.

"Oh Talia , ooh Talia. You're so talented Talia." Mina continues her rant, and Nayeon tries to reach her unsuccessfully, the flying objects halting her process every now and then.

"I was being nice." She cowers behind the couch, as a bunched up T-shirt travels in her direction. "The producers said we have to be because we're collaborating with her."

"Don't lie to me Nayeon-chan." Mina retorts, frustrated and exasperated. "I saw your bunny teeth flashing her a smile."

"I thought you like my bunny smile." Nayeon rises to her feet and dares to grin.

A dish cloth smacks her face.

Mina crosses her arms over her chest which heaves with exertion. Her skin is flushed, the moles dotting her face and neck visible brightly against the rosy skin. "You're an insufferable, infuriating, imbecile.." She's worked up now, hands gesticulating wildly as she continues with the string of abuse that sounds borderline like terms of endearment to Jeongyeon.

Jeongyeon looks to her right because Nayeon is oddly quiet. There's a glazed over look in her eyes, a dopey grin on her lips and a wistful expression on her face.

She's looking at Mina like Bay Watch intro music is playing in the background, and she's running towards her in slow motion, clad in sexy bikini, her tits and dark hair in luscious curls bouncing as she runs.

Jeongyeon nudges Nayeon's ribs, because she isn't prepared to attend her funeral yet.

Too late. Mina's eyes lands on Nayeon, notices the look in her eyes. She stutters, pauses. A bright flush creeps up her neck, travels up her face  to the tip of her ears. "You're- ." She huffs, shakes her head, swirls on her heels and shuts the door to the bedroom.

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