Chapter 7

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Mina climbs up the stairs and walks to the dorm, suffocated by her own gloomy thoughts.

She hears music coming from behind the doors and it only grows louder as she steps inside the dorm and approaches the bedroom.

Nayeon is jumping on her bed, a smile so gleeful like that of a child on Christmas morning, dancing to a song playing on the radio.

Mina knows of the pain and suffering behind those smiles and warm eyes.

When Nayeon turns around and finds Mina staring at her from the door, she extends an arm asking her to join in the impromptu dance duet.

Any other time Mina would have said no, but she is walking towards the bed and Nayeon's eyes become that much brighter as she takes the extended arm and tugs the older girl down to the floor to her level.

1 2 3 take my hand and come with me
Because you look so fine that I really wanna make you mine

Mina laughs as Nayeon spins her around and narrowly misses squishing her foot under her own. She smiles her gummy smile brightly as her heels glide down the wooden floor, blonde hair spinning as she twirls and turns and bounces holding Nayeon's hand with each move and beat.

Big black boots
Long brown hair
She's so sweet with her
Get back stare

Mina puts a hand on her chest and throws her head back laughing because Nayeon has changed the words to long blonde hair and is pointing at her with her hands.

They continue to dance and spin until the music comes to a slow stop and Mina finds herself in Nayeon's arms, trying to catch her breath.

She gazes up at the lights reflecting in the older girl's eyes as she laughs at her breathless state, a laughter so free and pure despite her adult ears, and Mina finds herself join in such generous mirth.

When the laughter dies down, Mina finds herself continuing to look at those haunting eyes that burns bright with life. Words leave her as she feels those eyes stare back at her, searching hers for something. Those warm orbs sparkle at her speaking in a language that she has heard, but can't seem to understand. Mina searches her mind for something to say, but to her surprise her heart answers for her. "Saranghae Nayeon-chan."

She sees those eyes that are dancing with amusement soften around the edges and for a blissful moment a silence caresses them both like a cool summer breeze, soothing their souls. "Saranghae, Minaya."

They break apart when they hear a round of applause coming from he door.

"Minayeon subunit when?" Chaeyoung and Sana ask, pretending to be onces.

When What is Love comes on the radio they step into their routine breaking into another dance, and the other girls pour into the room drawn by the chaos and noise and join them, the joyful laughter in the room taking Mina's mind off the inevitable.

"Did I talk in my sleep again?" Nayeon's voice is hoarse and thick with sleep when she catches Mina glancing at her as she rolls over to her side.

Mina shakes her head negatively brushing a loose strand of dark hair on the older girl's face with a delicate finger.

"Go to sleep Minaya." Nayeon whispers another soft goodnight as her eyes flutter shut.

Mina spends another night memorizing every inch of her face.

"Do you think Nayeon loves anybody?" She hesitantly queries Jeongyeon who's taking a bite of her sandwich.

"You mean other than herself?" She chuckles between the bites, "No, I don't think so."

Mina deflates dejectedly. She only has twenty six days left to find out this mysterious person. Jeongyeon is the closest person to Nayeon, if she doesn't know who it is, then her very own chances are very grim.

Nayeon is afraid of the dark, the thought she's going to be stuck in between the two worlds, in the shadows, alone and afraid, makes her heart ache with renewed pain.

"Why did you both breakup?" The question sets her off balance affecting her calm composure.

She remembers the answer she told Nayeon in the past, it didn't work, but this time she goes with the truth.

"Because we didn't love each other."

Nayeon glances at a spot near her feet on the floor of their living room. "Why did you say yes to her when she asked you out?"

"I thought that was my only chance at love." Mina admits honestly, feeling a little vulnerable. "I was scared of ending up alone and lonely."

Nayeon nods and squeezes her hands. "I'm scared of that too."

Mina's heart breaks again knowing that's exactly how Nayeon's life is going to end.

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