Chapter 1

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A/N: This title was inspired by the song "Lucy Plays Cupid" and instead I switched to Cupid playing as Suna. 

Cupid was lazing around his white marble palace as usual, avoiding going outside for fear of being dragged into another long family squabble. He was grateful that he was one of the minor gods and for the most part, could fly safely under the radar. Although he was born of major gods, he wasn't unfortunate enough to become one. Learning another one of Jupiter's scandals of ending up in bed with another mortal was only fun to laugh about for the first few millennia, now it was only a pain to listen to. A pain he didn't want to bother with anymore.

Therefore, he often laid around in his palace, hoping that maybe one day someone would pray to him. The centuries since the Roman Empire fell had flown by as if they were nothing. To an immortal like him, they really did. He enjoyed watching the mortals change their world and adapt to it immediately, inventing such wonderful creations like electricity and the technology they were starting to develop from it. However, the more time that went by and the more they grew and became independent, the less they prayed. As a result, the less responsibilities and jobs he was required to do.

He welcomed it at first, wanting nothing more than to relax and not having to worry about pleasing every one of his worshippers. But the fun could only last so long before boredom took over. By the time the 20th century came around, many more major changes were taking place across the Earth. He was fascinated by the many periods they went through during the years, but as the humans began to fear the start of a new century, so did he. He expected it to be an even greater change for the world, which was going to be an even larger inconvenience to him. What was the point of a god if he had no worshippers or followers whatsoever?

It wasn't until there were several years left before the new century that he received a prayer. He was trying out an outfit that he observed many of the mortals wearing, because who wants to wear armor and robes everyday? He was gazing at himself in the mirror when he heard a soft voice in the distance and was hit with the vision of a kneeling woman.

She had long, light-brown hair that fell over her shoulders, matching brown eyes, and soft features that accompanied her naturally beautiful appearance. She was currently kneeling in front of a makeshift altar that consisted of flowers and several sticks of incense burning on a low table in her bedroom as the sun shone through the windows. There was a picture framed of her and another man smiling at each other with loving gazes, having absolutely nothing to do with him. "That's it? And she expects me to answer her-"

"O God of Love and Desire, the exalted Cupid, please hear my prayer." He hadn't been prayed to so respectfully in such a long time that he was speechless. Maybe I'll listen to a little more. "I'm expectin two boys any day now, their names will be Miya Atsumu and Osamu." She affectionately rubbed her hands over her enlarged stomach that he just now noticed with a warm smile. "I have no doubt that they'll become wonderful children, but there is somethin I wanna pray for." He sat down on the steps of the altar to listen intently, enjoying the soft sound of a dialect he couldn't place. "I pray that they will find the right love for them, someone that will love them unconditionally. I don't care who or what they'll look like. I only ask that ya find someone that will take good care of them so I don't have to worry anymore."

Cupid leaned his elbow on his knees to prop his chin as his lips perked up. It was humans like her that gave him hope for the future. Humans that weren't praying for their selfish needs of revenge to get back at someone they used to love. Of the horrible ways they wanted him to make the person they loved, love them back. Or desperation to find love anywhere with anyone. But someone that already loved so much only wanted that for her children, humans like that made it impossible for him to ever say no.

Cupid Plays Suna (Sunaosa)Where stories live. Discover now