Chapter 3

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Like before, he didn't want to seem too eager. But after a good month and a half of visiting every or every other weekend, claiming he needed a place to escape the oncoming summer heat, he decided to hell with it and went any time he was free. Whether it was right after practice or on his days off, he was with Osamu. It took awhile to convince Osamu that he managed to catch the right train to see him so as not to give away that he had powers that instantly transported him from one city to another. Soon, Osamu's concern that he traveled too much faded, and Suna noticed that he never seemed to mind his company in the first place. In fact, he seemed to enjoy it just as much as Suna did. From then on, it was effortless.

Overtime, they fell into this unspoken routine between them. Sometimes, they vented about their busy days. Other times they told stories that made each other bend over with laughter. But Suna's favorite times were when they didn't have to say anything at all. Just being with each other was peaceful and comforting enough. He was content to watch Osamu make new creations or clean up the store, and Osamu didn't seem to mind sitting next to him as they laid their heads down on the counter to rest.

He didn't understand why everything was so easy with Osamu. And it was just as easy to spend time with him outside of the restaurant. All it took was one simple invitation to go watch one of Atsumu's other practice games, and Suna was in. Although when he tried to have a civil conversation with him for Osamu's sake, Atsumu never let up and the night ended in Osamu and Suna versus Atsumu and Sakusa on the court until the coaches yelled at them to go home. From time to time, he was able to talk with Atsumu, but he couldn't stop being blunt with him, and Atsumu could only tolerate so much.

Otherwise, they would offer to try out different restaurants in each other's cities, and before he knew it, the curse of being with Osamu caused the months to fly by. Months of running to the convenient store to buy ice candies to beat the summer heat. Months of late-night calls when Suna got home too late but couldn't sleep. It had taken him a while to understand how to use a phone (he had the albums of blurry pictures to prove it). But once he did, he was so accustomed to using one, it became like an extension of his arm. It was ideal to block others out, and to fill up his time at night when he couldn't sleep.

There were months of lying around the restaurant together when they were free and had nothing else to do. Months of memorizing Osamu's different smiles, and having a heart attack almost every time he laughed. Months of longing to know if Osamu's hair was as soft as it looked or his arms were as strong as they appeared.

For the most part, Suna was able to keep the odd feelings rising inside of him, down. But it was Osamu, and something about him made him so at peace that he forgot to keep his guard up. And what he forgot the most was the fact that the summer was now ending and his first season was about to begin. Although everyone was looking forward to it, to Suna, it was a reminder of all the time that zipped by, and he hasn't done a single thing to accomplish what he was asked to do.

He was so caught up in becoming close with Osamu that he forgot the whole reason he was doing it in the first place. Therefore, he decided on the weekend before the season started to ask Osamu to go to a new restaurant with him. He knew if he asked him all these questions at his own restaurant, he'd be tight lipped about it for fear of customers listening in. So when he asked Osamu to a soba place down the street from his apartment, Osamu didn't think twice before agreeing.

As they were seated at a booth, that weird feeling of nervousness Komori told him about overtook him. And the fact that Osamu was dressed so handsomely in his usual tight black t-shirt but with a jean jacket, and even tighter jeans, didn't help. He fiddled with his napkin and stared everywhere but at Osamu. "Thanks for inviting me, Rin, it was a lot today."

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