Chapter Four

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An irritated ahem came from in front of me. I dismissed the status screen instinctively— nice— and looked up to see a guardsman staring at me disapprovingly.

"Sorry," I muttered.

"Name, level, and reason for visit?"

"Lee, level five, and I have a scholarship for the academy."

The guard looked him up and down, and scoffed. "Right. Level five, and going to the academy? Don't make me laugh."

"I have a unique skill. Plus, this-" I opened dark storage and pulled out a tightly bound scroll. "Would tell you otherwise."

"My apologies." The guard seemed frightened now. Was it the unique skill, or simply that I was accepted into the academy? Just how big of a deal was that anyway? "Go right ahead, sir."

"Thank you."

I walked on through, feeling triumphant, only to realise moments later that I had absolutely no idea where I was going. Why had I not asked Panne before I panicked and ran away? I spotted a young woman standing nearby, selling fruit that looked a little like apples. Her clothes were worn, but well cared for, and she looked honest. I wasn't very good at judging people, but I felt strongly that I wouldn't be led down a back alley and mugged if I asked her for help. Besides, she was my age, and I felt more comfortable approaching her than that rather fierce looking old man at the weapons stall on the other side of the busy street.

I sidled up to the stall, doing my best not to look suspicious and probably failing miserably.

"Scuse me," I asked. She turned to me, her gaze catching for a moment on my pointed ears.

"Yes? What can I do for you?"

"I was wondering if you knew of any nearby inn? Nothing too expensive, obviously." I gestured at my clothes. "I've just arrived to go to the academy, and I forgot to ask the elders in my village for advice about where to stay."

I chuckled nervously, rubbing at the back of my neck. "And knowing my luck, I'd end up left for dead down some back alley."

"Don't worry," she said warmly. "Dyrhain isn't that kind of a place. So long as you don't go near the eastern quarter you'll be safe. There's a good inn just a few streets from here— the Firebird."

She glanced at the sky, taking in the dipping sun. "In fact, I can take you there myself."

I smiled. "Thank you so much! I'm a little out of my depth, really— I've never been in such a big city before."

It wasn't a lie. In this life, I hadn't been in any city at all, and though Dyrhain wasn't as big as cities back on Earth it was still of a surprisingly decent size.

The woman packed up the apple stall, her deft movements showing her experience in doing so, and we set off.

I could feel her gaze on my profile as we walked, but when I turned to look at her she hurriedly faced forwards, a slight blush rising on her cheeks. I had a sinking feeling that I had messed up in my hypothesis. There was another fear sitting heavily in my gut, but I didn't want to address that one just yet. Still... this didn't feel like the game world I knew.

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