Just a note :)

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Hiya! HairyMclairy here. Just to say, this is my first time writing on Wattpad, so please be nice to me! I'm open to any constructive criticism, so if I do anything wrong please go ahead and tell me. Also, I'm more of an epic fantasy author, and this is my first time trying out a more light-hearted style of writing, so if I mess up with the tone or structure occasionally, or get too... into the fight scenes, then it's not deliberate.

My writing schedule will vary, because when I'm writing other books I won't have as much time to spend on here as when I'm editing, but I'll publish at least one chapter a week.

Hope you enjoy the story, because I'm having a lot of fun writing it!


This story is not to be taken as any kind of representation of asexuality, but rather just one experience of it. The protagonist is asexual, yes, but also aromantic. The two are not mutually exclusive, and many ace people are in happy relationships with both other aces and allosexuals. And while his asexuality is the cause of many jokes, it is not the joke in itself and I am not poking fun. Asexuality is no gimmick, but please treat it as such in this story. It is intended to be light-hearted, so don't take anything seriously! Now, on with the good bit.

Help! I'm asexual and trapped in a dating sim!Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz