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* Unedited *

"This fucking idiot Jim is not picking up," Maya said in a tired voice and Nina nodded.

"I will murder him, I swear" she grumbled.

It was a sleepless, painful night for Maya as she realized the last conversation with her mother was hanging up on her.

Maya hated herself right now.

Nina, as she promised, took her to the hospital during visiting hours, doctors said that her mother's condition was critical but stable, unfortunately, she was still unresponsive, and the chance that Patrizia will wake up anytime soon have been smaller with each passing hour.

Maya was sitting next to her mother's bed and holding her mother's hand. She had been crying uncontrollably for hours feeling exhausted and dehydrated.

Nina was right next to her petting her hair and whispering words of comfort. Until suddenly she said she needs to leave for a moment to pick up the phone and left.

Because of Nina's sudden departure, Maya heard voices in the corridor. She decided to walk out as well tour see what's going on. Her mother's doctor was talking to a tall man in an expensive suit, there was a muscular man with a headpiece next to him.

"Maya social worker has called we need to show up at the office right now"


"Something about your placement but she didn't want to tell me details over the phone," Nina said with worry and Maya started to walk at a quick pace with her. Leaving a strange man behind.

"Patrizia's son, your brother Maya expressed a desire to become your guardian"

"What? I don't know him. And I have Nina"

"Nina is not your blood relative and I'm afraid your brother gets a priority"

"But I don't want him. I don't know him and I don't want to go anywhere with him" Maya protested

"He's on his way here, you may discuss with him your placement. If he won't withdraw the documents requesting the custody over you there's nothing I can do. We will have you reassigned, he will become your new temporary guardian"

"No, this can't be happening. Nina..." Maya looked at her current caretaker pleadingly

"She doesn't even know him isn't there anything we can do?" Nina asked

"I understand it's difficult but this is the law. Blood relatives get priority. You can only try to convince Mr. Sorrentino to reconsider but ultimately it's his choice to decide whether you can remain with Nina or be taken into his care"

The moment Susan finished speaking Salvatore Sorrentino showed up. It was the same man she saw at the hospital. Same scary, intimidating man with someone who looked like a bodyguard standing next to him. Was her brother someone important?

"Mr. Sorrentino your sister expressed the desire to stay with her current caretaker is it something that you'd agreed to?"

"No, she will be coming with me," Salvatore said simply. His voice had authority and power.

"Nina don't let him take me" Maya whined pitifully. It was the first thing she said in Salvatore's presence. His reaction to it was indifference.

She instantly regretted speaking up as his cold dark eyes focused on her. He was a terrifying man. She didn't want to go with him, so her grip on Nina only tightened.

"Sweetie calm down you're not going anywhere yet" Nina reassured.

"Maya sweetie please wait outside. I would like to talk to Ms. Nina and Mr. Sorrentino alone" Susan said. Maya obediently left the office with a heavy heart. Nina will fix it, right?

As adults were walking out of the office and Maya was sitting in the corridor very nervous about what will happen next. The same man with the headpiece was standing outside the door and Maya looked at him with fear. He was huge.

He looked at her as well, but he sends her a kind, reassuring smile completely unfitting to his scary look.

"Don't do that" he said gently and pointed at her wrists. She hasn't realized how in her nerves she was scratching herself and causing a stinging pain that she knew would keep her grounded.

As Nina, Salvatore and Susan walk out Maya instantly knows Nina has lost the battle.

"Auntie" Maya says pitifully.

"I'm sorry sweetie. I would take you in if I could you know it right" Maya nodded. "Don't worry it's only temporary. Patrizia will wake up and everything is going to fine?" Maya nodded. She was crying again.

Nina didn't tell her that the chances of her mother waking up were very low. She felt like this would be too much for the poor girl.

Susan shortly introduced Salvatore to Maya. They gave each other handshake, Maya felt completely defeated and she felt burning hatred toward the man standing in front of her, claiming to be her family but not respecting her wishes.

"Come with me Maya," he said and she did as she was told because she had no choice. His commanding, no-nonsense voice didn't escape her attention.

"Ms. Argento informed me you haven't eaten anything since yesterday is there any place you'd like to go?"

"I'm not hungry"

"I'm not asking if you're hungry. I am asking you if you want to pick a place for us to eat, I can do it for you if you'd like" Salvatore explained patiently but with firmness in his tone.

"Um... there's a place at 112E Sherman street"

"Marco" Salvatore signaled and the man in the front seat started the car.

As Maya and Salvatore entered the pizzeria I was greeted by Margaret, the manager.

"Oh hi baby I didn't know you have a shift today," she said to me.

"I don't"

"Oh, and who's that" Margaret looked suspiciously at the man behind me.

"It's... my brother"

At that news, Margaret's face lightened up. And she smiled warmly at Salvatore.

"You never mentioned you have a brother how could you hide someone this handsome from us," she said playfully "there's a table number seven free so feel free to take it" she pointed at the table in the corner of the restaurant, the one Maya and mother would always take.

"You work here?" Salvatore asked as they sat down. She dropped her gaze as he watched her with an unreadable expression.

"Yes I do"

"You're 15"

"It's a summer job"

He wasn't happy. Maya could tell by his expression.

"What can I get for the two of you?" Margaret asked in friendly voice as soon as she appeared again with her unwanted, happy aura.

"I will take a Caesar salad, please" Maya requested

"Two portions of ravioli for me"

"You sure do eat much"

"The second ravioli is for you. You will eat a proper meal now, there won't be a chance to do that on a flight"

"On a flight to where?"

"To California"

Oh, God...

No. It's on the other side of the country...

Maya still had no idea why her mother left or who these people are. Why is he so rich, why does he need a bodyguard, why she had no idea about his existence until recently? Too many unknowns. She needed to come back to aunt Nina she couldn't just go with him.

Time to run.

What do you think about Salvatore?

I hope you like him, he will be one of the most important characters :)

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