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Maya was so excited for today. A bit scared but nevertheless, excited.

It was happening.

A date, her first, real date was with no one else but Lucas Reyes. The smartest guy in her class.

He offered to help her with math, but he wasn't trying to hide that it is just a pretext to meet her after school, to have a coffee with her and get to know each other better. He was so cute, he's warm brown eyes, curly brown hair and something was happening to her heart when he was smiling at her.

After school Simon took her to Nicole's house. Sergio wasn't there, he was working. Nicole said he's working closely with Salvatore he's an "advisor" of sorts and there was no chance he will show up at this hour at home.

Nicole's house was not as impressive as Maya's brothers mansion, but it was still huge the building screamed at her "extremely wealthy people live here" and she was one more time reminded how rich her family was.

As soon Nicole opened the door Simon quickly said goodbye and left the girls alone. Nicole looked critically at Maya's current outfit and smiled.

"C'mon, let's get you ready"
Nicole was amazing. No, she really was. When she was done Maya she didn't recognize herself in the mirror.

Her cousin knew what she was doing.

Nicole from the beginning knew what Maya will be wearing for her date. She had the outfit prepared, and it was very different from what Maya was normally wearing. It was... brave.

"Just put it on, you will look stunning" Nicole assured and Maya nodded obediently, feeling really excited about the prospect of trying something else that wouldn't feel like her, it felt different, fresh. She was ready.

She looked in a mirror as she finished putting on herself Nicole's clothes. The dress was a little loose on her, but it was still fitting. It was in pastel blue color, and it barely reached her knees which was actually the first thing she noticed. Normally she would never wear this outside, she was just too self-conscious about how she look, but today she needed a change, she wanted to look different today, pretty.

As she walked out of the bathroom Nicole showered her with compliments that ultimately convinced her to stay in what was chosen for her. Nicole then proceeded with doing her makeup it wasn't anything flashy the only really noticeable thing was a red lipstick.

"You need to leave your phone and use the back door" she instructed with a voice of an expert as if she finished putting a blush on her cousin's cheek.

"What? Why" Maya asked with innocent confusion.

"Because otherwise your bodyguard will see you leaving" Nicole said as if it was obvious

"My what?" what was she talking about?

"Oh you wasn't informed you have one?" Nicole rolled her eyes. "There's no way Salvatore would leave you without protection. Look out of the window there's a black car that showed here as soon as you arrived with Simon"

Nicole was correct. There was a car. Maya could see someone, probably a man, sitting in there.

"But why?"

"Oh, you know. The family business produces many enemies, people smell money and power, and they're drawn to it like sharks are to blood"

"What does it have to do with me? What exactly the family business is?"

"Well you're of course their younger sister, an easy target. Regarding the business I can't tell you anything not that I know much, but I know enough to keep my mouth shut"

"That doesn't sound concerning at all" Maya said sarcastically and Nicole snorted.

"Welcome to the family Maya. I'm sure one day you will figure it out, but you might have a hard time considering how protective Salvatore is of you. If you want any answers you need to find them yourself, it's just how things are here. I am risking my head by helping you out here, with Lucas. Leave your phone, I will show you which exit you can use to leave unnoticed and off you go. If you won't be back in two hours I will kill you before Salvatore finds me" she warned at the end of her speech and suddenly Maya felt the wave of deep sympathy for that girl.

"Wait, why do I need to leave my phone?" what now?

"There's probably a tracker in there, I know for sure Sergio put one in mine"

"Jesus... Nicole I really appreciate your help I don't know if I should go now... I need to process all this" Maya suddenly got really scared about what may happen to her if she will go alone and how would Salvatore react after learning about her little escapade.

"Oh no, not after all the trouble! You're going. Don't worry about anything, I know things must be different from what you know from your past, but you will figure it out. Go have fun with Lucas now, and we can talk it out later" she hugged Maya and led her to the backdoors.

With heavy heart Maya left her phone, she felt like she's crossing another line by doing it, but she couldn't back down now.


It was only several weeks, but it felt like ages since Maya was on her own in the public transport. It was good that Nicole mansion apartment was only several minutes away from a city center. She liked her alone time. She should've more of that.

If mom was awake they wouldn't have a time limit for the meeting with Lucas, she wouldn't need to sneak out. Mom wasn't restrictive when it came to her relationships with boys on the contrary she was encouraging for them to happen.

Patrizia was always saying that Maya is too shy, and she should loosen up a little. She would often ask her things like: "is there any boy at school that you like?" or when she told her about meeting with her first male friend - Jonathan she would playfully ask if they're dating. They were never, it was just friendship.

Maya's mother was more of a cheerleader when it came to romantic relationships so the new approach that her brother's represented was a shock. Maya was never had a male figure in her life that had any sort of expectation towards her. Her mother's partner Jim was a type who wasn't slightly interested in raising a child. He didn't mind someone who would bring him a beer when he was too lazy to get up and stop watching TV.

Maya arrived at the cozy coffee shop that happened to also be a bookstore. The smell of old paper and intense coffee welcomed her. Maya couldn't be more happy with a place Lucas chose for their first meeting. Lucas was already waiting for her, and he gave her a quick peck on the cheek as she arrived. She blushed, quickly looked down suddenly finding her white sneakers to be very interesting, and she sat at the table.

The conversation with Lucas for a first several minutes was about nothing and everything at the same time. They talked about their hobbies, interests and the places they would like to travel to. Maya was in love with Italy from the young age, so she would definitely love to visit its southern region and swim in the Mediterranean Sea. Lucas on the other hand wan an avid manga reader and Tokyo was his dream city to visit.

At some point Lucas started explaining Maya how to solve the math problem she didn't get right on the test she failed. They both had trouble with focusing too much on studying because they were just too preoccupied with enjoying each other company, as Lucas was explaining something to Maya they were sitting really close to each other, their arms were touching and when he for a moment raised his gaze from the notebook to look at her Maya was blushing.

As Lucas was passionately explaining what she did wrong with exercise C she felt someone's presence behind them. She turned her head and looked up just to see no one else but Salvatore fucking Sorrentino standing like a stone statue right behind her chair.

"Good evening" Salvatore greeted them politely and Maya regretted lifting her gaze to look in his cold eyes. She could feel herself freezing on the spot.

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