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As Maya and Salvatore entered the living room Diego and Gianni were playing the Call of Duty, there was a ton of junk food on the table. Diego instantly noticed that someone is entering the room

"What the fuck are you wearing?" he asked referring to the dress she borrowed from Nicole. Okay, so it was a little short so what?

It's not his business, right? Right. But Maya was left speechless by his too direct for her taste language. She noticed that Gianni wasn't looking too happy about her clothing choices either.

"Don't use that language around her" Simon chided appearing out of nowhere in the room with a book in his hands.

"Exactly she's 15 why the fuck is she wearing makeup and a mini dress?!" Gianni yelled clearly taking Diego's side

"Go change Maya," Simon said trying to defuse the situation

"I don't feel like it" did she really said it? Oh, she did. That words left Maya's mouth just now.

"Getting bratty aren't we little sister?" he said darkly and in response, Maya tried to stare into his eyes bravely, she felt like a prey provoking the predator to attack her.

"I can wear whatever I want" where was she getting this

"Wasn't she at Nicole's house? Why is she looking like that" Gianni asked and the attention in the room shifted to Salvatore who remained quiet through the whole exchange until now?

"Maya as I recall I already told you to listen to your brothers and be respectful. Stop talking back. You will go change in a minute first you will explain to your brothers what you were doing today since they seem to be curious"

"But I-"

"Yes?" he asked as a scary, challenging look appeared on his face

"Um so... I've met with a friend from school, we went for a coffee. He showed me how to solve quadratic functions"

"Wait did she just said he?" Gianni asked

"So you lied and said you're going to Nicole while you went out to meet with some dude?" ok when Simon put it like that with his calm voice it sounded bad.

"Who?" Diego asked darkly and Maya realized that revealing Lucas's identity wouldn't be wise.

"Just a friend," she said dumbly not sure how to get out of this one "You probably don't even know him" she added quickly and Diego smiled, he smiled.

"Then you need to introduce us of course"

"Yes Maya, we would love to meet a boy who is stealing our sister's heart and gets her in trouble," Gianni said playfully, but there was a dark glint in his eyes she didn't like. Oh, absolutely not.

"No one is stealing anything" she protested weakly and her cheeks turned red, she clearly wasn't helping her case here. This is when Salvatore interfered

"Have you been aware that this boy is interested in her or are you completely not paying attention to what she's doing at school?" Salvatore's voice was quiet but sharp

"Every time we see her in school she's with Nicole," Gianni said after a moment of silence.

"Diego, make sure this boy stays away from her" Salvatore ordered "Also, all of you should keep a better eye on her, or I will start seeing you as incompetent for the job. If you can't take care of a fifteen-year-old girl how can you take over the family business in the future? Gianni, take her to my office in an hour"

Ah there it is again, the family business mentioned but no details provided. Maya was starting to get tired of this.

As soon as Salvatore finished speaking Maya took it as an occasion to run to her room, she dreaded what will Salvatore want to talk about, but she also didn't want to stay in the same room as two older boys who are clearly upset about her recent choices.
As Gianni arrived to Maya's room, he didn't even bother knocking. He dragged Maya out of her bedroom her straight towards Salvatore's office. As she tried to release herself from his grasp he just sent her an irritated look and that was enough for her to stop wriggling. Gianni was usually smiling and had a playful attitude she had no idea that it could shift to such anger and impatience, it was scary. She left wordlessly and even before entering Salvatore's office her chin already started wobbling.

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