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This weekend Nicole was staying at Maya's brothers mansion because Sergio had important business to deal with and he left the country.

Nicole was used to staying on her own, Sergio was traveling a lot but it was a perfect excuse for a sleepover as Maya and Nicole decided during the lunch break.

For Nicole it was a perfect occasion to finally force Maya to go shopping with her. As she proudly announced her part during the breakfast, the oldest Sorrentino (who rarely honored them with his presence at breakfast) agreed to their shopping trip and assigned Diego as a person who is going to take them there.

Diego the second most intimidating of Maya's brothers (at least in Maya's opinion). The last thing she wanted is him to go with them.

Unfortunately no matter how stupid Salvatore decision was his decrees at the house were to be followed so she just dropped the idea of arguing and spared herself another trouble.
"'No. Absolutely no. Go change"

"What the hell Diego it's just a little makeup" Nicole defended Maya's looks since she was the one who chose clothes and makeup for her.

"Shut up Nicole I'm speaking to my sister"

Nicole rolled her eyes but said nothing.

Maya just wordlessly went back to wash off the makeup and change the clothes Nicole borrowed her. All the irritation she was feeling she kept to herself.

The ride in the car was a tense one and Maya wondered why they couldn't just take a bus. Why does Diego has to be there?

Would her brothers drover her everywhere from now on?

It wasn't very pleasing perspective.

She missed her life with mom and she missed aunt Nina so much. At least she was free to do what she wanted for most of the time.

"We're going to get a dresses for Saturday's party" Nicole said with excitement

„She's not going on any party, she's 15"

"So am I"

"Oh really? then you're not going either"

What a dick.

"What? You can't just forbid me from going"

"I just did" Diego smirked as if something just incredibly funny happened.

Nicole and Diego argued through the whole car ride and Maya's head was hurting as they arrived at the mall.
"I'm not trying that"

"She's not trying that"

Maya and Diego said simultaneously and their eyes met in hateful staring contest

"You know what? I am trying that, actually" Maya decided and snatched her he dress from Nicole.

She changed her mind just to piss off Diego, that's true. So what? She was petty.

It was not a good idea to try that dress. It was just too short and too well fitted. She felt disgusted when watching her own body.

With guilt she recalled a delicious meal she has eaten for her breakfast. Mean voice in her head reminded her that just because food in Sorrentinos house is sinfully good doesn't mean she's allowed to eat like a pig.

"It didn't look well on me" Maya explained why she didn't show herself in a dress to Nicole.
Of course at the end of the day Maya and Nicole weren't allowed to go to the party.

Because world was unfair Gianni and Simon was the one who were going on the party, they were allowed because "they're older".

Alessio, Diego also went somewhere this evening it was related to family business but they didn't said any details.

Nicole and Maya were left until the house and all that was left was watching a movie, which wasn't a bad experience since in the movie room there was cinema-like setup.

They fell asleep around midnight.

Friday was good, it was great even. She wanted to start a day with the essential which was a black coffee her plans were destroyed by on of her evil brothers.

"Oh thanks for a coffee" Diego said as soon as he entered the kitchen

"Hey it's mine" Maya tired to protect her beverage but it was snatched out of her hand too quickly for her to realize what's going on

"Coffee is not for a little girls"

"I'm not a little girl"

"What are you then? A shrimp?"

"Hey give it back"

He didn't give it back.

As Diego tasted the coffee his face soured. "No sugar?"

Maya's lips changed into thin line and she didn't say anything.

"You know what Maya, you're too quiet. At least tell him to fuck off or something" Gianni said his advice as he was watching scene unfolding between Maya and the second oldest sibling.

"Don't teach her how to swear" Simon said and not too gently kicked his younger brother chair.

"If she swears at me I will kill you first then her" Diego warned darkly as he was adding the third spoon of sugar to Maya's coffee, she felt pain as she was watching the calories added carelessly to her precious drink. He was a monster.

Defeated she tried to go back to her room but someone kept her by the back of her collar

"Where? Eat your breakfast" Diego commanded and forcefully sat her at the chair.

"Be more gentle with her she's not Gianni" Simon snickered as if unhappy that he needs to even mention it.

"Hey he's not allowed to to push me around either!" Gianni protested

"She's here and she has a voice" Maya deadpanned as she got tired of them referring to her in third person.

"It speaks" Diego pretended to be shocked and Maya rolled her eyes in response.
As she went back to school the biology teacher gave students their first assignments.

Because Maya was a new kid and everyone kept their distance due to infamous reputation of her brothers people stayed away from her.

"Lucas doesn't have a pair, Maya you will join him"

"Hey Maya wait" it was Lucas who approached her as she was about to go to her brothers car.

"I wanted to thank you for trying to help me back then. Sorry if you got hurt"

"It's alright"

"So we have a project together, right? Maybe we can't meet at the library-"

"Come here Maya" Gianni appeared out of nowhere and started dragging his little sister towards the car. Lucas watched the scene with a sympathetic smile.

"We will talk later"

"You won't talk at all" Gianni barked sending him a warning glance


"Shut up" he pushed her in the car it was a Diego this time who was a driver.

"Who was she talking to"

"My project partner who just have been threatened for no reason what the fuck Gianni?!" Maya responded angrily before Gianni had a chance

"Little girls don't use a language like that" Diego said but he was more amused than angry.

"Fuck you"

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