Chapter 15 Sport Festival Part 3

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It was after lunch and I was going to find a seat to watch the fighting part of the festival. I was too uncomfortable to go back to Hawks' private booth. As I passed a broom closet I heard the door open behind me but didn't react quick enough as I was pulled in. My attacker was holding me from behind so I stomped his foot causing him to let me go enough for me to twist around and elbow him in the face.

I pushed away from him turning to face him to my shock it was Keigo standing in front of me.

"What the hell do you think you're doing Keigo" I shouted at him

He was rubbing his face where I had elbowed him.

"Nice hit kid," he said giving me a smirk

I was done with this man and his cocky attitude.

"Why are you acting like this?" I asked with the frustration obvious in my voice

I could see his face drop and a hint of sadness took it over.

"I'm sorry y/n I don't mean to be like this" he let out a sigh

I've never been good at dealing with others' emotions.

"I have a lot of feelings I'm trying to work out" he admitted

"Can you please explain I'm having a hard time understanding all of this" I calmly asked

I could see a light blush take over his face and he looked down at his feet.

"I like you" he quickly said

I was shocked that this grown man just confessed to me.

"Keigo I'm 16 and you are 21 I know that's not a large age gap but it's still against the law" I was trying to be as calm as possible to not upset him

He looked at me with tears in his eyes.

"I know I would never ask you for a relationship it's just you are the only person I've ever met that hasn't tried to use me. Most people see me and think of what they can get out of me but you only saw me. You don't act like your age that's why the line would sometimes blur and I would forget how young you are but I want what is best for you." Hawks finished explaining

I was conflicted because I knew his lifestyle had to be hard and I couldn't lie he was attractive.

"Let's just forget this happened I'll stay your protege and you'll stay my mentor but hey hit me up in two more years" I let a small laugh out at the end of my sentence trying to let him know it was a joke.

Keigo smiled at me and I could see the hope in his eyes.

"Shall we go back to my booth so we can watch the fights?" Keigo asked

I nodded my head following him out of the closet wondering if one day I would regret not making more boundaries.

As we got back to the booth Izuku and Shinso's fight was coming to an end. Izuku was able to break Shinso hypnosis and knock him off the stage. My heart dropped but I was happy to see others cheering for Shinso.

"I'm going to go see my friend but I'll return once I'm done," I told Keigo

I could see the irk mark on Keigo's face but he held his smile.

"Okay be safe," he said through clenched teeth

I quickly made my way out of the booth running down all the stairs to make it to the tunnels. I let out a huff of breath exhausted from walking up and down the stairs. I was walking towards the nurse's room in the tunnels when Shinso exited a room causing me to stop in my tracks.

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