Chapter 3 A new enemy

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I felt something staring at me from the corner of my room. I opened my eyes but was unable to move the rest of my body. The figure was just a shadow with pricing green eyes. I almost thought it was the grim reaper coming to visit me except this thing scared me. I wanted to run but it felt as if something was sitting on my chest. The figure was moving closer to me never taking its green eyes off me.

Before the figure reached me I attained the ability to move again. I set up in my bed and let out a loud scream.

I heard footsteps running down the hallway and a half dress Izuku busted into my room.

"What's wrong" he shouted

"I-I saw a shadow figure in the corner and I couldn't move" I was saying through shakey breaths while still trying to calm myself

Izuku set down beside me in the bed and started to rub my back. This felt really good and helped me be able to calm down.

"Hey you've been through a lot and I'm also sure you are nervous about going back to school all this stress most caused you to have a nightmare" he tries to reassure me

"B-but it felt so real," I said calmer than before

"But it wasn't and if it happens again just remind yourself it's not real"

You were still unsure about it just being a nightmare to you it felt more like a bad omen.

"We still have a couple of hours before we need to get up and get ready for school so why don't I lay with you so you aren't afraid," Izuku said

"Thank you"

You notice that Izuku was wearing sweatpants and had no shirt on. This with the fact of him being so close to me caused me to blush.

"Um, Izuku maybe you should put a shirt on before we lay down," I said

Izuku stood up and rushed out of the room returning shortly with an All Might hood on.

"I'm sorry I had forgotten I didn't have a shirt on. It's just when I heard you scream I rushed to you without covering up first" he explained

"It's okay now come over and let's lay down," I said

Izuku laid down beside me and I curled up against his side. His warmth caused me to fall back to sleep forgetting about the green-eyed shadow figure.


I couldn't take my eyes off her she was so cute. This is where y/n belongs beside me and I would do anything to keep it that way.

I wonder if she would wake up if I touched her

I gently took my hand and creased her cheek it was so soft. I touched all over her face when I got to her lips my face heated up.

Would she notice if I kissed her

I slowly moved my face in front of y/n's and gently placed my lips on hers. It felt like fireworks her lips were so soft and warm. Reluctantly I pulled away from her warm lips I knew if she woke up to use kissing she wouldn't take it too well. I pulled her into me and I drifted off to sleep.


Izuku and I were walking to school together. I kept pulling down my skirt they may look cute in the mangas but in real life, they are too short. Izuku notice me fiddling with my skirt and started blushing.

"Y-you look cute y/n don't worry," Izuku said

"Thanks I just don't understand why these school uniforms have to be so short"

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