Chapter 19 Shiggy and The Hero Killer

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Shoto and I were being driven to the outskirts of Hosu city by Endeavor. Once we reached our destination we were instructed to get out of the vehicle. We all exited the vehicle and began our patrol. I was still concerned about the normal hero: Manual being offended by our appearance.

"Excuse me Mr. Endeavor doesn't it seem rude to invade another hero's territory like this," I asked

I could see the Irk mark appear on Endeavor's head.

"He should feel grateful to receive my help" Endeavor exclaimed

"It just makes you seem like you are trying to take all the glory for taking out the hero killer stain," I said

Endeavor turn to yell at me but the screams of someone needing help stopped him. Not far from the road was a Nomu attacking civilians. An old man in a yellow costume was taking the Nomu on and at first, I was worried but I calmed when I saw how strong the old man was.

"You two help the civilians while I handle that monster" Endeavor ordered

While Endeavor went off to fight Shoto and I started to help civilians evacuate. We had been taught to take civilians as far as a 50 feet radius of the danger. I was leading a couple away when a crying woman ran up to me.

"Please hero I can't find my daughter," she said

"Alright I'll help you what does she look like," I asked

"She's five and has brown curly hair and blue eyes. Today she was wearing a pink shirt and blue jeans" the mother described her daughter

The mother and I began to walk around looking for her daughter. We had been looking around for a few minutes when we heard a cry coming from an alleyway. The mother and I walked down there where we saw a small girl curled up next to some empty boxes. The mother ran to her and picked the child up into her arms hugging her tightly. I smiled at the scene in front of me happy we could find the child unharmed.


I scratchy voice came from deeper in the alleyway. A man with a hand covering his face emerged from the shadows. He pulled the hand revealing his face it was dry and creaky skin. I put myself in between Shigaraki and the civilians.

"Go take your daughter to safety," I said

"Thank you," the mother said before taking her daughter and running off

"Y/n L/n we met again," Shigaraki said

I chill went up to my spine how did he know my whole name. I wasn't at the sports festival and the video footage from the USJ didn't have my name.

"Aaahhh Shigaraki or should I call you Shiggy," I said in a joking manner to try and hide my fear

A creepy smile spread across Shigaraki's face.

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