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Simon sat down in the last row in the Calculus class, too preoccupied with taking out his notes to realize that instantly there was a bubble of open seats surrounding him. He was used to it anyway, so he wouldn't have given it much thought even if he had been paying attention. Simon had taken Algebra in eighth grade, so he was a year ahead, along with a couple other sophomores in the class, but mostly Trigonometry was full of Juniors.

     Asher Ericsson eyed the Sophomore who walked into his class. Usually he wouldn't notice the super advanced kid, but this one seemed to catch his eye. He looked a little bit like the boy he'd asked his friends not to pick on anymore, but Asher knew he'd need to get a better view of him to tell. In hopes of achieving this Asher got up to sit next to the boy with confidence, then chickened out at the last minute, and sat in the chair directly behind him. There was a bubble around the boy which caused Asher to cringe, as he knew he was the cause, so he called to his friends to join him so the boy would feel a little less alone.

     "Hey." Asher called, and the boy didn't look up, so he tried again, "Hey Simon, how's it going?"

      "I'm.." The boy paused and turned to look at him in confusion. "You sat with me a few days ago didn't you?"

     "Yes I did." Asher replied, beaming that the boy remembered his good deed. "I just wanted to say... I hope people haven't been bothering you. You can tell me if they do, seeing as how you're Liam's brother and everything. Just say the word, alright?"

     "Nobody's bother me at all, actually." Simon smiled slightly. He was confused, but not upset at that fact.

     "Good. These guys, don't listen to them, they're a bunch a blockheads." Asher gestured to his friends sitting around him."Hey, Do you.. who do you sit with for lunch? Did you want to sit with us today?" Asher stuttered out slightly, and one of the boys nudged his arm in annoyance.

The team never invited sophomores to sit with them, not even the boys on the JV football team.

     "I uh-" Simon began, but was cut off by the appearance of the teacher into the classroom. The teacher began a boring lesson, and Asher mostly tuned him out. What Asher found more entertaining was the boy sitting in front of him. None of the other boys had talked to him yet, and in hopes of preventing such endeavors Asher took to keeping one of his legs on Simon's book rack under his desk, and the other on the side of his chair. Asher still didn't quite trust the boys on the team, and his position suggested that Simon was his territory, and therefore not be messed with.

     "Hey?" Asher whispered when he was so bored he couldn't take it anymore. "Got a pencil?" He asked, though he had several mechanical pencils on his desk.

     "D-Don't you have your own?"

     "I do, but they're out o' lead." Asher smirked in a teasing manner. He could feel the stares of his friends on him, but he ignored it. Simon dug through his bag quickly and pulled out the first pencil he had which was one of the mechanical pencils that came in a variety pack. Simon hadn't used it yet because it was pink. He handed it to Asher, not really paying it any attention.

     "You don't have a different color?" Asher stared at the pencil a moment, then chuckled.

     "I.. uh-I might?"

     "Never mind. It's fine. I like the pink." Asher smiled slightly as he caught a view of Simon's flushed cheeks. The boy next to him gestured to his face, and mouthed something to his friend, and Asher wondered if perhaps the other boys hadn't seen him smile over something non football related before. Asher realized that he liked teasing the smaller boy. He had a strange desire to fluster Simon, or catch him off guard, that he'd never really had before.

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