I'm Yours

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"Simon!" Asher called as he ran after the smaller boy through the mall.

"I just want to be alone."

"How are you planning on getting home?" Asher called after him again. Simon slowed slightly, allowing Asher the chance to catch up. "Let me drive you, okay? We don't even need to talk."


Simon and Asher drove in silence from the mall back to Simon's house. True to his promise, Asher didn't say a word. Simon took to counting the houses they passed to calm himself down. He was still fuming. Not so much at Asher or Kit, but still at Liam. He had been so sure they were getting to a good place, but it was built on a false foundation, and in one day it had all fallen apart. It was like he didn't know his own brother at all.

When the car pulled up to Simon house he shuffled out of the car. Asher got out too and moved to walk him to the door. They walked together up the front path and Simon entered the house first. He turned back and Asher nodded a quick goodbye before moving to go back to his car.

"Asher?" Simon called, instantly regretting opening his mouth. A part of him, a large part, had been hoping Asher wouldn't hear him, but still he had to try.

"Hmm?" Asher turned around again.

"If you aren't busy.. would you stay with me for a few moments?" Simon asked.

"I'm yours."

The boys entered the house together and sat down in the living room. For a while Simon just sat there still in silence, not ready to talk about anything that had happened that day. The fact that he'd made it through without having a panic attack was a miracle in and of itself.

"Thank you," Simon mumbled after a long while.

"For what?"

"For staying with me. I'm sure this hasn't exactly been a fun day for you," Simon chuckled bitterly. "And thank you for letting Liam tell me.. you and Kit were right. I wish I had known, but you were right to let Liam tell me. It needed to come from Liam... I wish it had come from Liam. I'm so embarrassed. I made such a scene."

"You have nothing to be embarrassed about," Asher lifted Simon's chin. "You were caught off guard. Besides, I've made much bigger scenes about much smaller incidents." Simon clutched Asher's larger hand in his own. It was hot as lava in his hand, but holding it brought him comfort.

"I think you've had more than your fair share of incidents.. surely enough to warrant any outbursts." Simon whispered.

"Thank you."

"You know what I wish?"


"I wish I'd met you like this.. how you are now." Simon explained.

"Really?" Asher's gentle voice was light as a feather.

"No." Simon whispered back. "I'm glad I got to know all of you.. I'm glad I got to see you change. But it would have been easier the other way."

"Everybody thinks they want things to be easy, but what we really should want is for things to be real. Who cares how hard you have to work if you end up with something real."

"When did you become so wise?" Simon chuckled.

"I don't know. I've spent a lot of time in therapy," Asher squeezed Simon's hand playfully. They sat again for another moment of silence before Simon broke it again.

"You said... a while back that you liked me... do you think you still do?"

"Yes. I'm yours." Asher repeated. "Forever.."

"Is it wrong that makes me glad?"

"No... it isn't. You said a while back you'd only ever like me as a friend... do you think that's still true?" Asher whispered. He still had Simon's hand in his own, but in the dark of the room he could only make out the shine in his eyes. Still, Asher held that spot in his gaze. The silence of the room, the scent of vanilla which Asher associated with Simon, and the still of the moment held him glued in place awaiting an answer.


It hung in the air like a fog drifting off an eerie lake. There was nothing that could quite be done about it, it was just the truth. It would waft through the room and settle into a cold dew in the morning. Asher and Simon were so close on the couch they could feel each other's breath. Asher could nearly taste the moment he'd been awaiting for so long, but he couldn't shake the feeling that something was wrong. Simon had gone through a horrible ordeal. He'd gone through great emotional trauma that day. Doing anything... expecting anything was wrong. It was like taking advantage of someone under the influence of alcohol. Like Simon's emotions from the day had intoxicated him beyond reason.

They had moved so close on the couch that their lips were mere inches apart. If Asher had closed his eyes he could've chased the gap and kissed the boy, but with his eyes open and this close, all he could see were tears and pain. If Simon truly meant what he said... then it could wait.

"I should go." Asher stated. "You've had a long day, and I don't want to make it any longer... Get some sleep.. and if you need me... I'm only a phone call away."

"Thank you."


"Where the hell are you?" Garrett spoke angrily into his phone. He'd been walking around the mall for hours trying to figure out where Shea had gone, and had been unsuccessful.

"I called a cab."

"And you didn't think to text me?" Garrett asked incredulously.

"I was busy."

"What do you mean you were busy?" Garrett argued. "Busy making a fool of yourself? What the hell were you thinking."

"Not now, Garrett." Shea growled from the other end of the phone.

"Then when Shea? When are you going to face up and own what you did?"

"When Asher owns what he did."

"Oh my God!" Garrett shouted. "You're obsessed! Asher already owned up. He apologized, he took responsibility. What is your fascination with this boy? Simon and you are never going to happen, and that's on you."

"Shut the fuck up."

"No Shea. You listen. I love you, and I want to be your friend, but I can't be treated like this," Garrett paused. "And I refuse to watch you spiral like this. If you get it together call me, but until then you're on your own."

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