Not Anymore

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     Asher pulled his pads on over his head in the locker room before the football game. His brain was scattered with thoughts of Simon and trying to spend time with him again. The boy clogged his thoughts and made it difficult for him to think of anything else. His arrangement with Shea had gotten him closer to Simon than anything else that he had tried in the time they had known each other. 

     "What're you thinking about?" Garrett asked him. 


     "You can't lie to me. I'm your best friend." Garrett explained. "I feel like we never talk anymore."

    "What're you talking about?" Asher asked, his friend having won out the war for his attention. "We sit at lunch together everyday."

     "Yeah, but after that you go talk to that boy Shea and you ignore me." Garrett complained. 

     "Asher. I need to talk to you." Shea walked into the locker room half dressed.

     "Got to go." Asher stood.

     "See!" Garrett exclaimed. 

     "No... Uh. This isn't that, I just need to for a minute. I'll be right back." Asher took off leaving Garrett behind. "What Shea?" He asked abrasively.

     "Woah. Chill out." Shea attempted, "Whatever." He sighed, "I feel awful about misleading Simon like this."

    "Ok?" Asher asked. "That's my problem how?"

    "I knew you wouldn't understand." Shea tone turned stern, "You could care less about anyone but yourself. You don't care for Simon at all, you're just a depraved slut." Shea spat, "You know you need me right? You know that I have as much on you as you have on me."

     "Are you threatening me?"

     "I'm just saying you could get me kicked off the team, but I could tell Simon you've been blackmailing me effectively ruining your chances, and tell the whole school that you're gay. So don't take me for granted." Shea crossed his arms over his chest. He'd been wanting to say that for a while, and though he'd come there to tell Asher something else it had felt incredibly good to get that off his chest.

     "Is that all you wanted to say?"

     "No. I was going to say that you should start hanging out with Simon alone, now that you're closer. But you're going to have to, because I'm done dealing with you." And with that Shea stormed off.

     "Hey Shea, right? Is Asher okay? He seems preoccupied." Garrett stood as Shea entered.

     "Not now."

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