I'm Broken

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(A//N) From this point forward if you beat me to getting the first comment on a chapter you'll get a shout out in the next one. Comment 'First!' down below.  

     "Hello..." A voice cracked slightly on the other end of the phone, a voice Simon recognized in an instant.

     "Asher?" Simon's brows furrowed. "Where.. Where are you? It said this was coming from an unknown number."

     "I'm at a payphone." Asher whispered.

     "Why aren't you at home? Kit must be worried sick..."

     "I just... I needed to talk to talk to you."

     "Are you alright?" Simon pressed the phone closer to his cheek so he could hear better.

    "I'm fine.. I just wanted to apologize for getting upset at you.." Asher voice was huffy and his breathing was ragged. "You said I could call and talk to you if I needed to right?"

     "Of course."

     "I'm really loosing my mind right now.. I don't want to go home, and I don't know where do go." Asher's tone shook through the phone.

     "Um.." Simon checked his watch; Liam wasn't expected back for another couple of hours. "You can come here."

     "You're sure?"


      Asher arrived at the house in moments, drenched from the rain, and shivering wet. Simon grabbed him some of Liam's extra clothes to change into, and made him a cup of tea on the stove. Asher's hair was wild, and his eyes were tired and bloodshot.

     "Why don't you want to go home?" Simon asked after a few moments. Asher was sat on the couch above him while Simon sat on the floor next to the coffee table.

     "I don't want to see my mother."

     "Why?" Simon asked, but Asher made no move to answer, and knowing the sensitive subject of parents, Simon decided not to press the matter. "Have you been home since yesterday?"


    "Oh my... I'm sorry." Simon tugged at the front of his hair. "I didn't realize.."

    "Don't... After what I did to Shea.. I can't... I don't deserve pity." Asher let his head fall into his hands. "I'm not a good person. I told you that.. but I don't.. I don't know how to change.."

     "Do you remember when we were walking to class together a few months ago? Do you remember what I said to you?" Simon attempted to lift his tone, and Asher nodded slightly.

     "You said acknowledging there's a problem, and wanting to change is half the battle." Asher mumbled. "But.."

     "But it's still hard." Simon nodded. "I know it is. I really do. But you can't give up... I'm here to help you, and confiding in people will only make it easier."

     "But what I did to Shea was so awful... and what I've done to you-"

    "I'm fine." Simon reached out to lift Asher's chin. "Look at me, I'm fine." Simon smiled. In his back pocket his cell phone began to ring, and the sound broke into the silent room like a gong. Simon pulled out his phone to see Shea's name flash on the screen. Asher bit at his lip.

    "What?" Simon asked looking to Asher, who eyed the phone nervously. "Oh.. you don't want me to answer it.. do you?" Asher shook his head slowly, and Simon looked back down to his phone. "Right now... I'm with you." Simon stated firmly, letting the number go to voicemail. 

     "Why do you even bother with me? I'm so broken." Asher let his head fall into his hands.

    "Maybe..." Simon from his spot on the floor took Asher's hand in his own. "Maybe I like fixing things." Simon painted a playful smile on his face, "And you're not broken, just a little selfish." Asher chuckled weakly. "What you really need is a real friend." Simon paused, "And if we're going to work on you I think we need to clear the air."

    "That's fair." Asher's eyes twinkled slightly in the dim light of the room.

     "Kit says that you're... that you're in love with me. Is that true?" Asher's face glowed red, and he shifted his gaze. "Ok. I love you too Asher, but.. not like that, and I want to help you, which means that we're going to be spending a lot of time together. I see you as a friend, and you need to see me as just that too.. Can you do that?"

     "You.. you won't change your mind?" Asher's eyes looked up hopefully.

     "I don't think so. I think I'll always just see you as a friend... Is that something that you think you can deal with?"



     "Dammit Simon." Shea whispered as he stood outside the restaurant in the rain. Garrett had driven him over, and he had no intention of going home with the boy so for the moment he was stranded. Simon wasn't picking up his phone, and Shea couldn't blame him. Calling Simon was a weak move anyway, and Shea had no idea what he even intended to say. He wanted to apologize for getting so upset, but he was also still angry at Liam for handling things so bad, and he was angry at himself for not listening to Simon when he said he didn't tell Asher. Everything was so broken, and messy that Shea didn't know what he was going to be able to do to fix things, but he knew that he had to see Simon again, no matter what. 

      "Shea!" Garrett's voice called. "Shea get in my car."

     "Not now, Garrett!" Shea shushed as he tried to dial Simon's number again.

     "You're going to get sick!" Garrett shouted, "Just let me drive you home!"

    "I'd rather walk home."

    "Start walking." Liam's voice called from behind Shea, and the boy's eyes went wide.

   "DRIVE!" Shea shouted, hopping into Garrett's car.

    "But you said?" Garrett began.

    "Not now!" Shea scolded. "Just drive!" 

(A//N) I don't often do these, but there's two of them in this chapter I guess :) A lot of people ask me in the comments who Simon is going to end up with, obviously I can't tell you that, but I can confirm that Simon will end up with one of his love interests, and I also can confirm that it's going to be quite the ride still. 

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