one | diamond in the rough

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Most people find the start of a new high school as refreshing or even delightful at the most, others not so much.

As per usual, Ivy felt the overly nostalgic feeling over-circuit her body, another year of over-used quotes and comments from the teachers that disliked her attitude and maybe her overall existence, however, this was her final year before she was to set her future in stone.

Unlike others, Ivy had no clue of what she was to be in the future, it never came to mind, neither did it stay for long. Last year was dedicated to keeping her grades in check, after all, she wasn't best at focusing unless something was in it for her.

Considering her reputation, she never made an effort in impressing others except for herself and Luca, a childhood friend that stuck with Ivy through thick and thin. A ride or die some would say.

Eight weeks did not satisfy Ivy nearly enough, she hated everyone in her school although others loved her, even envied her.

• • •

Walking into the deserted hallways she dearly despised, her legs guided herself to the designated classroom for the subject of 'English II'. As usual, she arrived at the school grounds late, her hair tied up to a messy ponytail with a few strands hanging out in an effort to frame her face.

From what already audible, the class was already in session, but, with that not stopping her, she obnoxiously opened the doors and began making her way to the back of the classroom, however falling a few metres short, when she was held back with a short sentence.

"Please wait outside, I'll speak to you about your absence." The woman behind her said, her vanilla-scented perfume intoxicating the girl's senses immediately.

With Ivy's eyes already rolling, the blonde turned around and was met by oceanic blue coloured marbles for eyes. Astounded by the colour of her orbs, Ivy's eyes drifted to the woman's figure, how her curved body was perfectly conveyed with the chic style of white blazer and business pants she wore. "Yes ma'am."

Her new teacher, that she knew little of, cocked her eyebrow, catching the bold student in the act. The shameless girl displayed a playful smile after obeying the woman's orders, all eyes were on her, but she didn't mind one bit. 

It was not long until the girl became impatient, it was simply her spoilt nature. So instead of being a 'good student' like her mother always wanted her to be, she had walked away from the classroom without hesitation.

Again, a playful smirk landed on the girl's lips. Hearing her teacher call out aimlessly behind a crowd that blinded her vision.

With her second period spent in the library, it wasn't long before her friend emerged from behind her, announcing her presence quietly. "Did you really have to piss off another teacher, Vee?" 

"Well hello to you too, Luca." Ivy chuckled, watching the girl slide down adjacent to where she was sitting on the ground.

The older friend huffed, bringing out the notes that she already needed. "Can you have at least one teacher that doesn't hate you?"

"... Not a chance." Ivy smiled, taking photos of the notes before handing them back to Luca.

"Oh my God," Luca mumbled under her breath with a small laugh, truly realising how stupid her friend could be. "Anyways, since you've already missed a class, we can skip calculus too. I'll meet you around the back." She finished as she slapped the younger girl's arm, leaving her behind at the special spot.

For some reason, Ivy sat there for a couple of minutes, thinking back to the woman she had encountered previously. She thought about how the womanly figure stood out from the rest, her eyes especially.

She was a diamond in the rough. 

"So this is where you ran off too." A woman had said as her eyes flashed at her student who was still sitting down next to the aisle floor. The teacher disappointedly looked down at the girl, internally wanting an apology for her previous behaviour.

Ivy scoffed, "You're here."

"Someone's a bit moody after being caught." Her teacher said, with equal the amount of attitude the girl radiated. "What's your name?"

"... Elizabeth Grayson." The younger girl lied, not bothered to reveal her name to someone she barely knew. "Yours?"

"Ms Valentine to you, and you lied." The older woman answered through gritted teeth, keeping her patience to a high level. "I suggest you tell me your name before I find out myself."

 Once again, she rolled her eyes. "Find out for yourself, seems more fun doesn't it?" 

Ivy noticed the woman's gaze widened and somehow darkened at the sentence. Keeping her face emotionless as always, she picked up her remaining books and inched away little by little.

 "Now I'd love to stay and keep going with this lovely conversation but, I've got another class right now and I'd hate to be late to a teacher's class I actually like." 

"You better not be skipping. You've got detention." The older brunette spoke, sighing at the girl's lack of common mannerism.

Ivy turned back, noticing the slim figure looking back at her with such disappointment, nothing she wasn't used to. "Wouldn't miss it for the world, Ms Valentine." She then began walking out of the library, leaving her teacher compromising her own thoughts about the girl she knew nothing about.

A.N - god this chapter is a mess already. starting another book is ab to bite me in the ass. 

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