twenty four | one last time

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"You know, I never asked." Blake paused, downing the last of her slushie as she peered through the side of her eye to see Ivy starstruck at the festival lights. "How was your graduation?"

Currently, Ivy was lucky enough to come back on the final day of the annual festival. And she was charming enough to lure Blake into coming with her whilst it was nearly the start of her weekend. She knew how bored it could be once cooped up in a room nearly all week, so she wanted to take advantage of it.

"Kinda nice, actually." She replied casually, eating the cotton candy as they both walked side-by-side. "I guess it was just like I expected."

Tilting her head, Blake became intrigued. "Which is what exactly?"

Ivy had paused for a moment, her casualty was lost in the midst of her mood change. She began to lay out what she would say, hoping it would come out less stupid than it had sounded in her head. "... I expected it to bore me. Don't get me wrong, I'm glad I reconnected with people but I guess it wasn't what I wanted."

Pushing further, Blake had asked another question. "And what did you want?" 

From the flushed expression she wore and the way she never dared to look Blake in her eyes - she already knew the answer - mentally, Blake knew where this conversation was headed. Though it would end in one's embarrassment, she still wanted the answer, even if the blonde's stubbornness wouldn't allow her.

"I... wanted you to be there."  Ivy exhaled, chewing down the last of her cotton candy as she tried her best to distract Blake from her answer. Catching her eye, she began to latch onto Blake's wrist, pulling her in the direction where a deserted area allowed them to have privacy.

"Is this your attempt in seducing me?" Blake mocked as she lost the warmth on her wrist as they both slid near an empty pond that was enclosed by hanging fairy lights above. 

Rolling her eyes, Ivy's eyes were glued to the fish that swam before her. "It is." She grinned, folding into the woman's stare. "Is it working?" 

"Not quite." 

Earning a playful smack on the arm, Blake had unconsciously stepped closer to the blonde whose gaze was centred on the fairy lights. "You have a lot to learn, though."

"Really?" Ivy snorted as she let out a small laugh. "You reckon I'd need to pay for lessons if I came to you?"

"...Not necessarily," Blake mumbled, enchanted by the girl's profile. Her frame was exactly as she remembered, her chiselled jawline and diamond eyes that shone brightly in the presence of light. "My payments can differ."

Catching her attention, Ivy had spun to see dilated eyes before her. The gaze of Blake felt as if she was burning holes through Ivy, moreover, it made Ivy grow flushed to acknowledge the barely existing space they had between them. 

She knew better than to crumble under the stare of the brunette, and if she did, Ivy understood the power that Blake would uphold if she had let that happen. "You're rather bold tonight, Valentine. Have I influenced you that severely?"

 "You could say that." Blake had now leaned in slightly, brushing the blonde's lips with her thumb. The brunette couldn't acknowledge the consequences that may appear later on in the future if she continued, but at this point, she didn't care. 

All she wanted was Ivy.

"Would you mind apologising to your sister when you get the chance?" Blake asked as she connected their foreheads. 

"What, why-"

The feeling of Blake's lips on hers was very much missed. And Ivy didn't realise this want until tonight as Blake had cut her off.  Ivy's hands lingered at the woman's neck, grappling onto her as she closed the limited distance they shared.

Blake's hands travelled down to the blonde's waist, going no further. Her hands created a source of heat that spread throughout Ivy's body, her body initiating a deeper kiss. In response, Blake smiled into the kiss, feeling herself grow more flushed by the minute. 

"Ms Valentine" Ivy spoke, her lips hovering over Blake's at a teasing distance. "You could get fired for this." A smile had crept onto Ivy's lips and she saw the strain in the woman's eyes, the desire that burned within her.

"Well, I advise you to keep this a secret." Blake gave in, attaching her lips onto the blonde's neck. "Can you do that for me?" Reaching under the blonde's jumper where she had met already heated skin.

Out of breath, Ivy let out a low moan as she heard families pass by the area, their innocence radiating off their carefree laughter. "Haven't you learned, Valentine?"

"Wheres the fun in that?" Blake responded in the blonde's neck, making her way up to her lips that she barely touched. Her eyes lingered on her lips, how she slightly caught it as she waited in anticipation.

"I suppose you're worth the risk."

the end hoes :)

A/N - thanks for sticking through w this story. I apologise for not posting often and not giving a longer story for all of you. I'm thinking of making another teacherxstudent book but not as a sequel, sorry. But as for now, I'm trying to focus on another story of mine that has two chapters out currently. Feel free to follow so you guys know when I upload, thank you again !!

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