seventeen | after school service

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It was the following afternoon which the blonde dreaded, not because she got caught, but because she'd rather be suspended than to be forced to clean up her actions. Julia never spoke a word when she got home that night as Ivy had expected, but it didn't mean that she still wasn't hurt.

Although she knew it was her fault for the events, the young Bonde couldn't help but feel exhausted for what was to come. 

Obeying her after school service, she began to walk towards the first place she had vandalised last night - the first-floor staff room.

"This sucks shit." Ivy cursed under her breath as she saw an already set out sponge material alongside a bucket of bubbly water. 

"You know, this might be the dumbest thing you've done-" 

From behind smiled the only teacher that didn't exactly despise Ivy on some level.

"-And I say that as I recall you stating you've smoked weed... to your teacher."

"I hate it when you're cocky." Ivy pointed with the wet sponge in her hand, water dripping onto the floor in the process. "It's not a look I like on you."

You like anything on me.  Thought the woman who kept her eyes trained on the young Bonde.

"I suppose so, but you'll have to deal with it for the next week." Blake smiled further, taunting the blonde from a distance. 

Stopping her actions, Ivy fully turned around to give the brunette her undivided attention. "You're my community service teacher?"

"Yep." The Valentine mocked. "You know, they even warned me about you."

"What can I say, I love the attention."

∞ ∞ ∞ ∞ ∞ ∞

By the time the second hour passed, Ivy had already grown tired of cleaning the mess she had made, and on top of that, her ears were constantly filled with the mockery her teacher spoke of as she watched Ivy do her bidding and wipe every little detail she sprayed onto the walls.

"You've been running your pretty little mouth for two hours, don't you think it's enough?" Ivy exhaled, dropping to the floor in exhaustion as she faced her teacher who sat calmly on the desk.

"For a person who has no authority in this situation, you're quite ballsy." Blake laughed, taking pity of the teenager's form. Her back was slouched upon the wet tiles in which she relied on, and her hair was barely staying put in a messy bun. "It makes me wonder if you're genuinely audacious, or just stupid."

"Neither." A sloppy smile spread across Ivy's face before she attempted to stand up, yet failing as she caught herself using the wall for support. "I just don't give a fuck."

"Still, you act as if you have something against everyone else." Ms Valentine mocked.

"I know I do with you." Ivy also taunted, her eyes rolling once more.

Confused, the women questioned further. "Enlighten me, Ivy. How so?"

Eyes brightened from her teacher's response, Ivy took this opportunity to mess with Blake as she was this whole afternoon. She knew it could be the simplest things she would do or say that could push her lover over the edge, or even better, push her limit.

Beginning to walk around Blake, Ivy began her explanation. "For starters, I know you watch me while I'm at practice, and when I catch you staring at me, you always look away."

The sudden observation made the woman's cheek turn red from embarrassment, the very thought of Ivy in such a revealing attire consumed Blake to the very bone, not just from jealousy but from her desire for the young girl.

Ivy's voice taunted Blake, and the woman knew the effect the teenager had on her, even if she'd never admit it truthfully. 

"When we're alone, you hate it because you realise there aren't any boundaries to separate us. Which ideally, means I could do anything to you." 

By now, Ivy had made a full lap around Blake, which meant that they were now facing each other, both lost in their own desire that filled the content room. Ivy had begun to lean forward, her arms trapping her lecturer between her figure and the desk.

"And the very best thing I have against you is that you'd have no power to stop me, because deep down..."

As she began her sentence, Blake had met her in the middle coordinately, their lips brushing past another as they found their rhythm.

With her submissiveness gone, Ivy was now in control of the situation. The adult in the room no longer had authority as she was now in a dazed state of mind, only thinking of the throbbing need that was caused by Ivy and only her.

She worshipped Blake, her whole entirety, and she made sure she knew that even in the slightest forms of physical touch.

"... You want this too."

Ivy was the one to break the kiss, connecting their foreheads as she finished her sentence that left Blake knowing she was completely right.

"And what if you're right?" Blake whispered, leaning into her touch as she beckoned to most against her but couldn't as Ivy stopped her.

"Then you have two choices." Ivy spoke, her lip caught between her teeth, distracting the woman in front of her.

"You tell me to stop. Or give in."

kind regards | womanxgirl |Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon