Chapter 2- a dying bull/ howling wolf

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Anna's POV
"Addie? Are you ok?" I heard the voice of a very worried Matt ask using his nickname for me.

"Hey Matty. I'm fine I just need some... stitches. Can I come in?" I asked

"Oh Addie. Come in and go to living room. I'll call Mark and bring my stitching kit. When we sit down you are going to explain exactly what happened. Ok?"

"Ok Matty" I replied using my nickname for Matthew Smith aka Matt or for me Matty.

After waiting for less than a minute, I heard Mark's footsteps which can also be described as the footsteps of the heaviest elephant to ever exist.

"Arianna are you ok? That bitch of a mother, I am going to kill her. What did she do to your head? Did she d...?"he shot all the question before I put my injured hand up to show him so he can be quiet for the time being which luckily he did.

"I'm ok Mark. Its just a cut which will get better as soon as Matt stitches it up. You know it's nothing new. It's not like its the first time this had happened is it? And Mark you sound like a dying bull when you scream you know that right?" I asked with a playful smile.

"Adrianna Jones. This is no time to make jokes and be your very-funny self. And I am a howling wolf not a dying bull dear Arianna." Mark likes to call me Arianna as my name rhymes Arianna Grande and I have 'great' voice.

"Yeah. True. Maybe a wolf howling in pain" I said with an extra sweet smile

"Addie. Come on show me your hand." Matt came in and said with a worried smile and started the stitches

After he was done, it was time for me to again explain how it happened even if they knew exactly what happened.

"And then I decided that I need stitches and came here" I finished my explanation. The thing is I don't hide anything from Matt and Mark. I am not like those cliché Wattpad girls who would hide things from everyone. I know I can trust these two with all my secrets and my life and that they would never judge me even if sometimes I judge myself.

"Ok. That is it. I'm done with her always hurting you for such little things. You have three options. I know you miss him. You can go live with your dad and Antonio, I can take your custody and be your legal guardian or I am straight up going to the police and reporting her for child abuse. It's your choice"

"I am going to choose the fourth option, which is that I stay with Lucy until I'm 18 which is only a few months away" I said while smiling cheekily

"NO!!!" both of them shouted at the same time

"Ok. Ok. If she hurts me again, I'll go to my dad. I'm sure he'll understand why I left him and Nio when I explain everything to him. I miss him. I'll send you the address so you can check if they still live there" I finally gave up because I knew that this time they weren't going to listen no matter what I say.

It's Monday today and I have been staying with Matt and Mark for the weekend. Today after school, I'm going to Lucy's apartment. I can't even call it my home.

"I'm ready Arianna. Why do girls always take so long. Come on quick or else I'm going to leave you here" Mark snapped me out of my thoughts and I chuckled at his comment. I know he won't leave me and even if he does, I have Matt who won't just let him off the hook. That is one of the many reasons why I love these two, they are always there for me.

"I'm coming Mark" and with that I went outside where Mark was waiting for me in his car.

"Finally. I thought you went back to sleep or something." He faked a tired expression

"Yeah Yeah. I'm sure you did. Now drive or we'll be late." I laughed

When we reached the school and got out of the car, I was invited by the sight of the Queen Bitch/ Amelia coming toward me with her Barbie baboons right next to her.

"Hey Mark. How are you today? And what are you doing with Annie here" first of she said my name wrong and then she said Annie with such disgust that would make anyone want to cry but well, I'm not anyone so I just looked up to her and showed her my middle finger.

"It's Anna, Milly. And she is my bestfriend who else do you expect me to be with? You? I think I'll pass" Mark said with same disgust that she showed me but it was just aimed towards her instead of me of course.

"Ugh whatever. Go spend your time with that looser. And my name is Amelia not Milly. I'll see you later Annie. Be ready for Music lessons today dear Annie" with that she walked away.

"Bye Milly" Mark shouted making her groan again

I turned to Mark and hugged him "Thanks Mark" he hugged me back.

"Don't expect me to do it again Arianna Grande" I groaned because of the nickname and playfully punched him in the shoulder

"Ow. What was that for?" he faked hurt

"Serves you right for calling me Arianna Grande. And when I said Thank You, your response should have been something like 'that's what friends are for'"

"Yeah. Yeah. Whatever" and just like that we burst out laughing. All the students are probably thinking that we are crazy, but then on second thought, they are used to us behaving like this.

Music was the only lesson when I didn't have Mark and I had Amelia. Of course her and her baboons annoyed the hell out of me. Firstly, as soon as I entered she tripped me and said that sometimes 'floor high fives the people it really looks like' and than said I'm sorry. Secondly she deleted all my work saved on garage band and once again said I'm sorry you didn't deserve that work so it deleted itself. And it kept going until the end of the lesson.

And then came the end of the day when I have to go back to hell...

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