Chapter 14- little Ms Queen B

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"Hey Anna" Caleb greeted me before looking at Mark questionably not knowing who he is.

"Hey Caley. This is my best friend Mark and Mark this is mine and Tony's friend Caleb" I smiled at Caleb while he gave both of us his usual genuine, soft and cute smile.

"Is this who you were asking Antonio about?" Mark asked me and I nodded he then turned to Caleb "Hello Caleb. I'm Mark but I guess you already know that since Arianna here told you. Anyways, do you like football?" He asked curiously and don't think that I didn't notice his previously flaring anger just disappeared.

"I do enjoy football alot." he answered with a smile

"Are you and Ari childhood friends?" he had narrowed eyes for some reason.

"Yes we were really close before she left" he had a sad smile mirroring mine "I have to go to the game room. I'm sure Tony is waiting for me. I'll see you later." he said before leaving.

"Come on Mark the Shark let me show you my room" he nodded thoughtfully. I showed him my room and then he asked me the question I have been dreading

"What is going on with Antonio? Why was he acting so hostile towards you?"

"What are you talking about? Ton-Nio was probably just tired after having a long day at school" I said with a smile trying to reassure him and pretending to set the pillows but I can tell by his expression that he doesn't believe me.

"You won't hide anything from me will you? You will tell me if anything happens right?" He questioned making me look down ashamed of the fact that I want to hide it from him

"Ari you know I love you and that you can trust me right?" I nodded my head 'yes' "Then tell me what's wrong because I know something is going on" he encouraged

"Mark I- ever since I came back Nio isn't acting exactly like himself. I; his twin; just left him for years and suddenly I just pop up and say 'oh hey I'm back. Now I want to live with you again' I don't think he likes it very much. It's nothing much and I think he has a right to get angry since its my fault to begin with..." I was cut off by Mark who looked frustrated

"Stop. Anna listen to me. You left to save his life. You know he wouldn't have been able to handle it all. You just wanted for him to be safe. You went through all that pain for his sake. If it wasn't for you, he would be the one who endured all that physical, mental and emotional pain. So stop blaming yourself for him acting like a jerk." By the time Mark finished, he had his hands on both my shoulders and had this look on his face as if he was trying to tell a little child to stop eating candy all the time. I guess that the kid understood something since I felt much better now.

"Thank you Mark. It's just that sometimes I feel bad for leaving him but then I would never have met you or Matt for which I'm really thankful. So I don't regret leaving. Sure, I hate missing all those years but I love you and Matt. I don't know what I would have done without you" I whispered the last part and hugged him

"You would probably be sulking at the corner of the room, wishing that you met me for these amazing lessons" he said making me laugh and then soon followed in suit.


Next day, I was walking down the school hallway to my next class which was Historical Education which I had with Caleb. I walked into the class to be greeted by a friendly looking teacher who introduced himself as Mr. Bunnell. I saw Caleb sitting at a table in the middle of the class. He waved when he saw me and pointed towards the chair next to him.

"Hey Caley" I said as I took my supplies out of my bag.

"Hey Anna." He smiled at me.

After a while of talking and doing some work I felt the need to pee.

"Excuse me sir, may I go to the toilet please" I asked Mr. Bunnell as he was passing by my desk. He nodded his reply and I walked to the toilet and did my business walking back out. As I passing the lockers I heard weird noises. I followed the noises to see Brittany making out with Garry. Brittany suddenly paused and looked in my direction then moved away from Garry who was smirking at me.

"What the fuck do you think are you doing here" she whisper- shouted at me.

"I- I was just going to my class" I mentally cursed at myself for stuttering. She grabbed me by my arm and pulled me to the side.

"Listen here bitch. If Tony finds anything about this I Will make your life a living hell" she whispered in a menacing tone. "Do you understand?" She asked. I knew I had to get away from her for now at least so I just nodded my head. As soon as she let me go I rushed towards my classroom and sat down at my seat.

I thought of how Tony would feel when he finds out that his girlfriend is cheating on him. He surely cares about her a lot if he is dating her. I mean even if he wants to ignore me, he is still my brother. I can't let a slut hurt him. He'll hate me even more if he finds out that I didn't tell him. Anyways, what's the most Brittany could even do. I have faced bullying before. I can face it again.

"Anna. What's wrong? Are you okay?" Caleb's usually calm voice was laced with worry and confusion about my current state of obvious distraught.

"Um- I... I'm okay. Just a little shaken up. Nothing serious. Honestly." I looked at him and gave him the most reassuring smile that I could manage. I could see he wasn't 100% sure but decided to let it go to not to aggravate me more.

"If you say so" he gave me an unconvincing smile.

"Can I ask you something" I asked after a while of silence.

"Sure. What is it?"

"This might seem like a very weird question but.....  Does" I broke off and sighed before continuing "Does Tony really like Brittany?" I looked down not wanting him to think of me as stupid.

"Anna. I don't want to change your image of your brother but he has quiet an image at this school. As you can tell he is very popular. He is also known as the school's player. So to be honest, No. He doesn't really like her. He is dating her just like he would date anyone else."

"Oh" so he is a player. And I've been worried about him getting his feelings hurt when he doesn't care about a girls feelings.

Now all I have to worry about is little Miss queen B....

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