Chapter 17- Josh

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I had a free period which I decided to spend with Aly since she was also free. We both sat at the library talking about random things

"What is going on between you and Caleb?" Aly questioned.

"What do you mean? Nothing is going on between us." I knew that I sounded very defensive.

"Oh come on. That guy totally likes you. Did you see the way he was fuming yesterday when Tony and Brittany were being bitches to you?. He is never mad at anyone, especially Tony. They are literally inseparable. But he was protective over you. There is definitely not nothing going on between you two." She finished.

"It's nothing like that Aly. He is a great friend of mine. Friends get overprotective over each other. He probably didn't like them talking about my mother because he knows it's something I wouldn't want to share."

"If it's okay, would you tell me what happened to your mother? You don't have to if you don't want to." She said hesitantly

"Um she- she is dead" I lied because I really didn't want to tell her my whole life story.

"Oh I'm so sorry. I shouldn't have asked." She apologized

"It's ok Alyssa. You didn't know." I said but something was still bugging me at the back of my head.

Caleb doesn't like me. Right?


I stayed in school till late after school because I had to help my music teacher with class. Not many people were at the corridor at the time I had to leave. It was getting quiet scary because of the eerie silence of the corridors. I clutched my books tightly as I heard footsteps behind me and walked faster.

"What are you doing here at this time? It's been so long since the school ended" I looked back to see Tony and Caleb's friend Josh slowly treading towards me in a manner that creeped me out.

"Um h-hey Josh. I was just helping Mr. Baits in his class. I- I have to go. See you later I guess" hopefully not. I tried to walk away only to be stopped by Josh who suddenly grabbed my hand and shoved me towards the wall opposite to the lockers.

"Stay here for a while. Do you know how pretty you are?" He said as he brushed his fingers on my cheek. He then lowered his head to my neck and kissed it roughly. His kisses turned into sucking and biting. I tried by best to push him away but he was too strong.

"Let me go Josh. Leave me alone please" I yelled as I struggled against his grip.

"Hey don't worry. I'll let you go. After we have some fun that is." His hands went under my shirt as tears flowed freely flowed down my cheeks. I closed my eyes and hoped for someone to come and help me

"Please let me go." I whispered as I felt him leaving me. I opened my eyes to see Tony standing there holding Josh by his collar.

"What the fuck was that Josh?" He yelled

"Hey. Tony my man. I was just having a little fun. You can have her after me if yo-" he was cut off by Tony's punch directed towards his nose. I was sitting next to the wall, my knees clutched to my chest and my hands wrapped around them. My head was tucked in my knees when I heard another groan. I looked up to see Tony on top of Josh punching him. I went toward Tony to stop him before he killed Josh. As soon as I touched Tony's arm, his head snapped towards me.

"Please. Please stop. He is not worth it." I whispered and to my surprise, he did. I saw Josh running away as fast as he can while he was in pain. Tony stood up and without thinking, I wrapped my arms around his waist and cried. Slowly, he also wrapped his arms around.

"Thank you Nio. Thank you so much. I- I was so scared. He just came out of no where and I- I" I was cut off by my own sobs. We just stood there for I don't know how long. My sobs slowed down after a while and we both walked towards the parking lot. Without a word, Tony dropped me off to our home before he left again in his car.

I slowly walked to my room and sat on my bed in a similar manner to the way I sat next to the wall in the school. I wasn't crying anymore. It felt as though the tears have left me. I repeated the whole scene again and again and I would shudder every time I imagined Josh's hands all over me and his mouth on my neck.

After about an hour of sitting there, I decided to get cleaned up and then go downstairs. I went to the toilet and did my business before changing into different clothes and then slowly walked down the stairs towards the living room where I saw papa was sitting and working on his laptop that was placed on his lap.

I went up to him and without a word just sat down next to him with my head placed on his shoulder. He looked at me before shutting the laptop and placing it on the table and then wrapped his arms around my shoulder. We both just sat there quietly because I think papa knew that I just needed him to be beside him. That was one of the many things I love about papa. He always knows what I need and how to act around me. I don't know when but soon after I was pulled into a deep, peaceful sleep.

The last thought I had was that maybe, there is a part in Tony that still cares about me.

If only I could see what was going to happen next...

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