Chapter 20- confrontration

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Today was the day. Today was the day I had to talk to Tony about his behaviour and I was freaking out. Yesterday, after texting papa telling him that I'm staying with Matt and Mark, we watched a movie and talked until late at night. That was happiest I have been in weeks. But now I had to talk to Tony. I know he has been acting like a bitch for weeks but Matt made me realise that maybe he had his own reasons. I don't want to get my hopes up but maybe I do need to ask him the truth. But that didn't stop me from completely freaking out.

"Matty. I'm going to have another panic attack. This is not happening. I can't do this please." I was walking around the apartment while Mark had an amused look at his face and Matt, a calculating one.

"Calm do Addie. Baby you have been through worse. What can he possibly say? Or do? I need you trust me and get this over with."

"I can come with you if you want?" Mark asked

"No. Um no. I'm going to do it by myself. You are right Matt. I've been through way worse and I can go through this. I'm sorry for freaking out" I apologised

"Its okay. Now go get ready and I'll drop you off at your dad's house. Then you are going to confront him. Okay?" He asked and all his words sounded calm and explaining.

"Okay" with that I got ready and Matt dropped me off at my home.

"I'll see you later Matt. Thank you. I love you" I kissed his cheek as he smiled and hugged.

"I love you too baby. I'll see you later okay. Take care. And remember you can do this."

"I can do this. Thanks Matty" with that Matt drove off and I took a deep breath and walked inside. I saw Tony sitting on the sofa using a phone. I took another breath before walking up to him.

"I need to talk to you" I said but he just ignored me

"Tony can you listen to me for a second?" I tried again but he ignored me again.

"That's it. Listen to me." I took his phone out of his hands. "Can you stop acting like a child for a second and listen?" He just glared at me.

"What's your problem?" He asked.

"Get ready. We are going for a walk." I told him and went back to my room before he could argue.

One hour later, I walked back downstairs to see Tony sitting in the same place but he was ready now.

"Lets go" I said before walking outside without looking of he was following me or not. I heard the footsteps indicating that he really is following me.

"Why did you do it?" I asked as we reached the park. We were both sitting on the bench facing the water pond.

"What are you talking about?" he asked

"Don't bullshit me. You know exactly what I'm talking about" I snapped

"Don't use that tone on me" he glared at me

"Oh I'm sorry. Oh great Antonio Jones, you decide it was an amazing idea to treat your twin like shit and then spread rumors about her and call her a slut. I was nearly raped Tony. Maybe you don't know what that feels like but I was terrified. I was so happy when you helped me thinking that maybe you do care. But who was I kidding? Of course you don't." I said in a calm voice laced with anger.

"Why do you act like this?" I whispered.

"I don't know maybe because you are a selfish bitch who only cares about money. You left all those years ago because you thought Lucy could give you more money than dad. You care about yourself and only yourself. You are a bitch you know. You don't deserve me" he whisper yelled.

"Matt was right. Mark was right, you are right. I don't deserve you. I- I deserve so much better. So much better than you. You are a selfish son of a bitch Antonio Jones." I yelled and then I felt it. I felt the pain leave and then i felt nothing. I felt completely numb. I could feel all the emotions leave my face as I laughed humorlessly "how naïve of me. I thought you believed in me. You never trusted me" I could see the confusion on Tony's face but I honestly didn't care.

"Congratulations Antonio. I hate you" I gave him a fake smile.

"How could you do that to your sister Antonio?" I heard a voice from behind me that instantly sent me to defense mode and I panicked.

"Lucy?" Tony asked surprised

"No. No you can't be here. Why are you here?" I asked frantically moving back

"I'm sorry for the way I treated you. I came to take you back to your home. I'm going to treat you exactly how I treated you before I 'relapsed'. I'm sorry for that" her voice sounded so genuine but only I could see the malice behind her eyes.

"Um I'll go but I need to call Mark first. It will only take a minute." I tried

"You can call them when you sit in the car" her tone scared me and I just nodded my head. I was quickly trying to think of something to help me. Anything. That's when it hit me. I quickly walked towards Tony who was standing awkwardly.

I hugged him taking him by surprise.

"Please Tony. If you ever, ever cared about me, tell Mark or Matt that Lucy was here and that she took me with her. They will understand what to do. And please read the letter I gave you 7 years ago." With that I moved back and followed Lucy towards the car. Tony was the only thing that could save me at this point.

Please Nio. Help me.


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