The Tape

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Spencer's Pov

   When we landed, Rossi walked over to me. I didn't want to talk to him. I know all he's gonna ask is if i'm okay. I don't feel up for this conversation right now. I just want to forget that anything ever happened. I just wanted this damn case to be over with.

   "Hey kid, you okay?" Rossi asked. All I did was nod my head. I didn't feel like talking right now.

"Kid, talk to me. I know you probably don't want to talk about it, but it isn't healthy, you know? Keeping all these walls up from the very people who can help you. Kid look at-"

  "I'm fine Rossi! You don't need to baby me!" I yelled. At this point, everyone was looking at me. I didn't care though. I just wanted them to leave me alone. Why couldn't we just focus on the case? I was fine, wasn't I?

   When we walked into the LAPD, We were greeted with the face of Officer Jacobs. He had a receding hairline, so I knew he was old. Telling by his body language , he was definitely a disciplined guy. Probably ex-military.

  "You must be the BAU. I'm Officer Jacobs." He said. He shook everyone's hands but as usual, I declined. The number of pathogens passed through handshakes is staggering. It's actually safer to kiss.

  "Officer, I'm Agent Prentiss, these are Agents Alves, Simmons, Jareau, Rossi and Dr. Reid and Lewis." She said, introducing us to the officer.

   "Thank you for coming in. I never expected anything like this happening here. Yeah, we get a few shootings and muggings every now and then, but a serial killer? It's just crazy you know? You never think that something like that could happen to your town." The officer told us.

"No one ever does. That's why we need to catch this man before he can hurt anyone else." Emily told him sympathetically.

"Is there anywhere we can set up?" I asked sternly. I just wanted to solve this case. We didn't have time for comforting an officer. He'll be fine.

"Yeah, there's a conference room I can let you guys use. Let me know if you need anything." He said with a rather stern tone. I didn't care though. I didn't give a damn about his feelings.

"Okay JJ and Matt, I want you two to go talk to the victims families. See if you can find any connection to the other victims. Luke and Dave, go to the crime scene, see if you can find anything useful. Reid and I will look stay here at the station and work up a geographical profile." Emily ordered. We all did as we were told and went to our assigned places.

Emily and I sat in silence for about 30 minutes before she finally spoke up. "Reid," I already knew what she was gonna say. "are you okay? you haven't given one statistic today. Usually there would've been at least 6 by now." She said, chuckling.

"I'm fine, Emily. Just drop it." I told her. I didn't want to be so mean, but I don't get why they can't just let me do my job. Do they think that I'm that weak? I've always been seen as the baby of the team. I hated it. But there was no stopping it. I'm soft. I am.

"Reid, no one expects you to be fine. What you went through all those years ago was absolutely awful. Especially the after affects. But listen Reid, you can't block us out. Not from the very people who are able to help you. I know you still struggle, and I'm sorry for all those times that I wasn't there for you. But I'm here now. So please, talk to me. You can't just bottle it up." Emily is such a good friend. I couldn't imagine my life without her.

I sat down across from her in the conference room. I wasn't able to look at her in the eyes and tell her I was okay. She knows that I'm not. It's not going to do me any good to lie to her.

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