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Max's Pov

  "I love you too" were the last words I hear him say before I hear him yell.
"Spence, Spencer! What's happening? Spencer answer me!" I felt myself panicking. This could not be happening.  I heard another voice talking but I couldn't understand what he was saying.
  Then I remember a conversation I had with him a few months back. If anything ever were to happen to him, call Emily.
I quickly dialed the number Spencer gave me and called her.
  "This is Prentiss."
"Hi, Emily? This is Max, Spencer's girlfriend. I was just on the phone with him and I think something bad happened. I heard a clank and him yell and I heard another voice talking-"

   "It's okay Max, I'm gonna get you on a flight here asap."
"Max, we are going to find him. I promise."
"I know."
I didn't want to loose him. Everything was going so good between us. I still need to tell him about it. I have to be able to tell him.

*time jump*
Still Max's Pov

When I had got there, I saw the rest of his team meandering around the office.
"Max." JJ said. She ran up to give me a hug, I of course, returned.
"Do you guys know anything at all?" I asked them, eager to know.
"We know who took him." Matt said
"You do? Who?" I was relieved at this thought. They were going to find him soon.
"His brother." Dave told me, with a very angry tone.
"He has a brother?" Why wouldn't he tell me about this? I mean, come to think of it, I don't really know much about him. I mean, I know about his addiction and the guy who kidnapped him and that's the farthest that he's ever really gotten. I don't blame him though.

"He didn't tell any of us. Being that, he's been in jail since Spencer was 14. Murder." That's a lot to take in. The team filled me in on everything. After they told me, I was left in shock. What was he going to do to him? Will he kill him? Even if he doesn't kill him, will he be okay?

   JJ brought me into another room and helped get me settled. I could tell that she was under a lot of stress also. He was her best friend, the god father of her kids.

   My stomach was hurting like a bitch, so I decided to pull some crackers out of my bag. When JJ saw that, she looked at me in shock. Almost as if she knew.

   "Max, are you-"
  "I am." I said, I already felt the tears coming.
"How far along are you?"
"5 weeks." I was smiling now. At the thought that I was going to be a mom. But I hated the thought that I might have to raise his kid alone.
"Promise me that you'll find him. I cant do this if he's not here." I told her.
"I promise Max. We are going to find him."

*Spencer's Pov*

I woke up in a dark room. I was handcuffed to a chair and I felt blood on the side of my head. But I then noticed something that I wished I didn't: the effects of diluadid. Son of a bitch, i thought.I knew that James had me. But I also had an advantage with this. I grew up with him. I know how he functions. I know how he is. This provided me with a bit of comfort.

   "Why hello there." I heard him say. I was praying to any deity out there that he wouldn't keep drugging me.

  "James." I said weakly. I hated this dude. Why the hell is he going this far.

   "Save your energy, you'll need it. I have some.. plans for you." He said, with an emphasis on the word "plans". I was terrified. I knew what he was capable of. But I never showed him fear. I wasn't going to give him the satisfaction. He got off on seeing others hurt. He was one sick bastard. Who just happens to be my brother. He started walking towards me and pulled a knife out of his pocket. He wasn't going to kill me,not yet. 

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