Chapter 3: Plane Crash

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"What the heck are you doing here?" Erica asked smoothly.

"Well, I'd figure that I should try and kill the people that made me fail my greatest plan ever, don't you think?" Agent Durkee said, now chirpy all again. For one bit of time, she was all grumpy when she was in jail, but now she was all happy, which doesn't do her sound evil.

"Who are you?" Trixie asked, stepping out of the small crowd that had gathered around Agent Durkee.

"Better question, who are you?" Agent Durkee asked. Before Erica could stop her sister from saying who she was, she spoke.

"I'm Trixie, Erica's sister," Trixie said proudly.

"Didn't know Erica had a sister; wow, nice to meet you," Agent Durkee chirped. While most evil villains would say this in a taunting way, Agent Durkee simply spoke as she offered me a candy cane.

"Can the small talk," Erica demanded, pulling out a gun and casually pointed it at Agent Durkee. "A bomb is going off, and you're going to move so we can escape from it."

"I wouldn't do that if I was you," Agent Durkee said, making a tsk-tsk sound with her tongue. The airplane was now going downwards, and I felt another just motion sickness.

"I am not going to die on my first mission! Please, don't you want to survive?" Trixie begged.

"I do, but I'd much rather kill the people who ruined my plot!" Agent Durkee said with a grin. "You've cost me so much trouble, know that with you out of the way, Spain will rise and take the place of the rightful country!"

"Sure, I won't be alive then, but I feel proud of being Spanish!" Agent Durkee exclaimed with delight. Erica punched her in the jaw and pulled up a gun.

"First, you're going to move. Second, we're going to survive," Erica said, aiming the gun at Agent Durkee.

"That is a good idea," Agent Durkee said, "but I'd much rather let my friend over there shoot you." I knew who it was without looking. My sense of smell told me.

"Murray Hill, I think?" I asked.

"I told you that kid was good!" Murray said and then nearly fell over when the plane fell. "Can't wait till I get the heck out of here." Apparently, Agent Durkee hadn't told him that the plane would crash and he was going to die.

"So, shoot me, then Murray kills you. But then again, we're going to die anyway, don't you think?" Murray Hill suddenly paled as he heard this.

"Wait, what?" Murray Hill shouted over the wind. I calculated that there would be only 67 more seconds till the bomb went off.

"Oh, Murray, didn't I tell you? We're all going to die together. Don't you want to kill Ben and Erica? Oh, this will be so much fun!" Agent Durkee happily replied.

"W-what? But I much rather survive! I'm too young to die!" Murray screamed.

"My point exactly. Move!" Erica said sharply. Erica punched Agent Durkee in the face and then forcibly removed her from her chair and dropped her like a dead rat onto the floor. Erica quickly sat in the chair and promptly lifted the lever to go up. Murray was grabbing food from his backpack and stuffing it in his face.

"What are you doing?" Trixie asked, apparently never met Murray. Murray stuck out a hand.

"I'm Murray, Ben's friend and peer," Murray said. Trixie looked at his greasy hand with oil, hamburger juice, and small bits of cheese stuck to it. She shrunk away.

"I'm not your friend," I said firmly.

"We were, and we're going to die anyway, so why not cheer up and act like friends?" Murray said, still stuffing his face with food.

"No, I'd rather die as enemies," I shouted, "and why are you still stuffing yourself into a beach ball?" I asked.

"I want to die happy at least!" Murray said and then threw up into a tray due to how much junk food he consumed. I rolled my eyes.

"Ben!" Erica called.

"Is there a problem?" I asked, running over.

"A huge one, we lost a wing of the plane. We're going to need to land soon," Erica said.

"But the bomb's going off soon!" I yelped as the plane cocked sideways.

"How soon exactly?" Erica asked.

"27 seconds," I said nervously. For once in my life, Erica looked stressed. She did her best to fly away from the bomb, but the plane wasn't flying straight.

"Ben! I need you to solve the angle and distance of where we will land!" Erica screamed at me. It was hard to hear her, the plane was going down, and the wind was entering the room.

"Alright, when I say land, you land. In the meantime, fly left for 12 seconds," I shouted.

"Roger," Erica said and then flew the plane left. I felt another jost of motion sickness but instead of puking my guts out, I held it in. I calculated where to land in the desert. It was all sand.

"We can't land here!" I yelled at her.

"Well, make it happen!" She yelled back at me.

"Land!" I yelled and she pushed down the lever and clicked on the buttons a split second after I yelled. The plane rushed downwards immediately and the plane crashed into the ground. Sand flooded the plane, into the plane and into my shoes.

"This is not what I signed up for when I wanted to be a spy!" Trixie yelled, trying to dig her way out of the plane.

"Well, you did want to know the truth right?" Erica yelled back.

"I guess but this was a lot more intense than I thought," Trixie grumbled.

"It's not supposed to be like this. It's just that when you hang out with our squad, this happens," Erica said with a smirk and Trixie rolled her eyes.

"Whatever, let's just get out of this area before we become mummies," Trixie said, grumbling again.

Agent Durkee was groaning in pain. And just then a small explosion when off in the distance. Agent Durkee and Murray sat up like zombies that had just climbed out of their grave.

"Omg, I think we're in Egypt!" Murray exclaimed.

"Yeah, I think that was where we were supposed to be original. I guess things worked out just peachy." Erica said and dusted her hands as she had just been on a walk instead of in a plane accident. Agent Durkee looked up at me.

"Wait, you're not dead?" Agent Durkee asked, shocked.

"Big whoop, you're alive too," I muttered.

"Holy cow!" Mike whooped. We ran over and saw what he was looking at.

A sign. But a sign that told the location of where we were.

The Sahara desert, the hottest desert in Egypt. 

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