Chapter 16: Scheme

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"Alright, everyone," Erica said, camouflaging her perfectly in the yellow sand. "Got the plan?"

"Right," I said. "Uh, can you repeat it?" Erica rolled her eyes and said, "we first wait for them to enter, and then we attack."

We had flown here with Orion's helicopter back to Cario, and we were ready to attack. Although we were all exhausted, Erica had insisted on flying here anyways.

"Alright, five n 7, sound the eagle," Alexander said, and we all looked at him confused.

"Alexander shut up," Catherine said, rolling her eyes.

"What? It makes the mission sounds a thousand times cooler," Alexander said and then started humming the James Bond theme song and making gun sounds. After a few minutes, Erica couldn't take it any longer.

"Dad, shut up, or I'll remove your voice box," Erica said, annoyed.

"I see the enemy-," Alexander exclaimed and then got kicked by the shin by Erica. He yelped, his sound echoing through the desert.

"What part of shut up do you not understand?" She demanded, giving Alexander a cold glance, who was now whimpering, hugging his backpack. "Why don't you give Croder a call on the phone? It'll be faster."

"We all see the enemy, okay? It would help if you didn't keep repeating that," Cyrus gruffed out using his binoculars. At the exact moment, a group of Croder agents dressed in black-masked silently entered the pyramid. Cyrus and Alexander immediately shut up and concentrated.

It was just a black blurb running inside of the pyramid. I had done the calculations about how long they would be in there to know the exact time. After precisely 7. 4371 seconds, I said "in," which was the code for when we would barge in the pyramid. Cyrus, Catherine, and Erica snapped up half a second later. I said this and started to run towards the pyramid. Everyone else responded a second after them.

Everyone ran towards the pyramid. We had set up our tents just a few yards away from the pyramid so we wouldn't have to waste a minute running there.

We had already practiced before what we were supposed to do in a situation like this in spy school, so everyone knew. The teachers had always prepared us for scenarios like this, and we were lucky the teachers thought of practicing this one.

The basic rule was to shut the doors of it. And if there were no doors, then you were supposed to find something to cover it up, like a stack of rocks or a piece of cardboard. Fortunately, there was a door in this case. We grabbed the handle of the gold door and quickly closed it. I wasn't too keen about touching a door that an ancient mummy might have felt before, but we didn't have any other options. I didn't believe in spirits or religion, but I still didn't want to touch the door full of spirits in it. I quickly closed the door with everyone else. And then we split into two groups; one group was supposed to close the door, and then the other was considered to check for other exits to make sure they were stuck in there for good until we got the FBI and CIA to pull them out and arrest them.

Trixie, me, and Cyrus quickly walked around the door to check on any other exits.

There weren't any other exits, although knowing Croder, they probably had some secret doors. I was right.

Suddenly I heard a huge bang and a rustling of footsteps running. I heard Catherine yell, "They got the jump on us! Get them!" And then it was silence.

I rushed around the other side of the pyramid with Murray holding a gun towards the group. His face lit up when he was with the rest of the group and me.

"Ah, Benjamin Ripley, how nice to see you again," he said cockily with a smirk. I would have run forward and slapped him on the face to wipe that smirk off his face, but I knew I would get myself killed by him anyways. I just glared at him.

"No need to be like that," he said with a grin. "I have your friend here!"

"Hi Ben," a voice said behind Murray. Not exactly a kind voice, but I could tell who it was.


Murray stepped out, and Zoe came forward and took his gun.

"Get bent, you jerk," I said, looking angry.

"Now, no need to be rude. After all, I don't want my new girlfriend to get hurt," Murray said,

"I'm not your girlfriend," Zoe said, trying to muster a cold glare at him, but didn't exactly succeed.

"Sure I'm not. But what is more concerning is those eight," Murray said, shifting his glance to us again. "You have a one-time contract, Zoe. You know what to do."

Zoe looked uneasy at the thought of killing us or killing me in this case. Zoe always had a soft spot for me, but I wasn't sure if it was still here after she joined the dark side. Zoe was always friendly until she betrayed me. I knew it wasn't cool of her to do this, but it upset how she turned to Croder. I guess she probably bonded with agent Durkee.

After a few long seconds, she spoke.

"I- I can't do it."

I nearly fell on the ground with relief.

"You realize that there is only one option left after for that, right?" Murray said darkly.

"Alright, fine!" Zoe yelled, pointing the gun at us. "Bye Ben."

And then she spun the gun towards Murray and shot him in the foot.

"Zoe!" He yelped while clutching his foot.

"About time you learned to stop working with Croder," Erica said. She hadn't even broken a sweat and looked like she had just taken a long nap on a sunbathing chair at the beach. Erica raised her fist and looked like she was about to punch her lights out when someone grabbed her.


"Erica, Zoe just saved us. Although what she did before wasn't right. She still did save our lives. Just do this later. There is probably backup," I said. Erica didn't look happy, but she didn't put her hand down either.

"Honey, Ben's right," Cyrus said suddenly. I was shocked that Cyrus was defending me. He never did this, and the only time he did, was in operation Snow Bunny. I nearly fell with this thought. "Ben, get up. Erica honey, there is backup."

Cyrus pointed to the distance where a few groups of men were running to us.

"Don't worry, grandpa," Erica reassured. "I have a plan."

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