Chapter 10: Evacuation

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Date: 6/12/1876

Gasp, sorry for not posting yesterday but I was in the middle of a revolutionary war! I had to defeat an enemy that tried to blow up our base! 

Gasp, sorry for not posting yesterday but I was in the middle of a revolutionary war! I had to defeat an enemy that tried to blow up our base! 

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Lol just kidding. Hi piggies! Oinky here. Sorry about not updating, I was busy yesterday. Anyways here is a fresh new chapter! Ta-Da! Here you go!


"Chip!" I yelled through the phone as I tried to make him pick up. After 11 rings, he finally picked up.

"This better be good, I was in the middle of a Candy Crush game," Chip growled.

"Chip! It's me!" I yelled.

"Ben? Why are you calling me in the middle of a candy crush game?" Chip asked, confused.

"Why are you even playing Candy Crush when you're in class? Never mind, Chip, Mike, Catherine, Erica, Trixie, Cyrus, Alexander, and I are on a mission," I said.

"All of you went on a mission without me?" Chip asked.

"Well, Trixie and Cyrus got kidnapped, but yeah," I told him.

"They got kidnapped?" Chip asked, shocked.

"Stop repeating what I'm saying. They got kidnapped, okay? Anyways I sorta need your help," I told him.

"You're activating me? I've been waiting for this day!" Chip said excitedly, "I'm packing my bags."

"Uh, don't you want to know what we need you for?" I asked.

"Not really, but where should you meet you guys, and where are you?" Chip asked.

"We're in Egypt, Giza on 98 avenues, the Hazel hotel," I responded.

"Got it, and when should you meet you guys?" He asked.

"Be here tomorrow at 2 pm, although we might be running away from Croder agents, cause they found out a hiding spot," I told him.

"What what's Croder?" Chip asked.

"Oh, SPYDER and Croatan joined forces and became Croder; I'll tell you the details later; also, make sure to answer when I call you, cause in that time it could be an emergency," I said.

"Got it, can I bring Jawa?" Chip asked.

"Sure, but you can not tell or bring anyone other than him, alright? Just the administration that you're meeting with me on the Egypt mission, and they'll let you go," I said.

"Okay, I'll tell you when I get there!" Chip responded.

"Alright, hurry up," I said and then hung up. In the hotel room, Erica immediately rushed over from the couch and then dropped the telephone hardly to the ground and used her feet to crush it into bits.

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