Chapter 9: Calculation

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Hi Piggies, 

For now on I will be adding music to it. So read the book while listening to the music. Trust me, the music matches. If it's distracting turn it off. Also the a new book is out! Read my new book called K.T Bomb. You haven't read it yet? What? Go read it! 


"Erica," Mike said, looking at the computer screen. After escaping the Croder agents, we were trying to figure out where Cyrus was kept.

"Cyrus is the smartest rookie I know; he couldn't have given us a false clue," Erica told me.

"Well, everyone makes mistakes; maybe he's getting on with his age," I told her. "The MARFI clue was wrong. I guess that Croder had figured out Cyrus' mistake of MARFI and knew we were going to come here, and so they set up the trap." We were in a hotel room that Catherine and Alexander had helped pay for. We had to quickly develop a plan to get Cyrus and Trixie back and figure out what Croder was up to.

"Erica!" Mike yelled again. Erica walked over to Mike's computer and gasped. Erica wasn't usually shocked, so her gasping meant that something was up. I walked over.

"What's all the commotion about?" I asked.

"Look at this!" Erica said, pointing to the screen. A picture of the news flashed on the net. It read, "Two people found in the desert and were rescued back to their family. Noticing them digging in the desert for something, a young traveler rescued them. Names were not given, but everyone calls here Hero E. A picture of a middle-aged woman with a scarf around her head and a traditional Egypt long shirt on. Women said to be traveling in the desert when they spotted two young people dropped in a hole. One was a woman, and the other was a young teenager. Hero E was rewarded with lots of money for saving the family."

"Murray and Agent Durkee escaped!" Alexander exclaimed, looking over Mike's shoulders.

"No duh, that you, Mr. Obvious, what is weird about this is something else," Erica said while studying the newspaper.

"What?" Alexander, Mike, and I asked.

"Isn't it obvious? The traveler is one traveling by herself and is a woman more specifically. Women don't travel alone; they usually travel with a group of people," Erica said. Mike interrupted.

"You're a woman, and you're traveling by yourself sometimes," Mike pointed out.

"Well, I'm Erica. I'm a special case, and I'm a spy," Erica said. "Anyway, women don't travel alone, so that's suspicious. Two, she's wearing cumbersome clothing. You wear that thick clothing when you travel in the desert? No, you wear light clothing, like what I'm wearing. This means that she came from a helicopter or a plane where there is air conditioning. Three, she doesn't have any equipment or any supplies." Erica pointed to the portrait drawn of the woman pulling 'Murray and Agent Durkee out.

"Where did that string come from? You don't bring rope to the desert; you bring food and water to the desert. She doesn't have any food on her either. And, she's not even sweating in the photo. Also, she doesn't have sunglasses. See that Sunday in the photo? That means it was sunny when she came and found Murray and Agent Durkee. She can't possibly wear sunglasses. I have special condition eyes, and my eyes still hurt in the sun. Which means she must have been dropped off and found them quickly. Maybe Agent Durkee called them to come and get them out; maybe they didn't. Which only means that the person rescuing them works for Croder. As you all know, Croder, SPYDER, or Croatan, doesn't leave loose ends. This means that Murray and Agent Durkee have some use in them. Agent Durkee and Murray would still be in that hole we pushed them if Croder didn't come. They couldn't have walked all the back from here, which means they had either a plane or jet."

"Well, that was a long speech. So what are we going to do now?" Alexander asked blankly. Erica rolled her eyes.

"We find out what is so special about Murray and Agent Durkee and figure out their plans and get them back," Erica said.

"Wait, Erica," I said.

"Yeah?" She responded.

"I think I might know what's going on," I said. Erica and Catherine perked up.

"Something and I clicked, and do you see how that lady looks familiar? The newspapers are lying. They said she was a middle-aged woman, but look at her hair; it's gray," I said.

"So? Who said middle-aged women couldn't have gray hair?" Erica said.

"No, not that. Do you remember who also has gray hair?" I asked.

"Cyrus?" Alexander guessed. Erica rolled her eyes.

"No, Ms. E does," I told him.

"Right, that's what I meant to say," Alexander said looking embarrassed.

Something suddenly hit me. I sat down on the couch looking uneasy.

" know what's up right?" Erica asked.

"I think, maybe. Well remember the lady we saved?" I asked.

"The one where we got the camel from?" Erica asked.

"Yeah, did you notice that she had gray hair as well?" I asked.

"Yes, but anyone could have gray hair," Erica pointed out.

"I know, but this isn't a coincidence. Like Cyrus says, there is no such thing as coincidence. And if you remember, the thugs didn't have any weapons except one knife, and they weren't very good at fighting. And also, if the woman with gray hair was a mom, where is all her diapers, milk bottles and supplies? A mom requires a lot of effort. And who just gives away free camels? I sure don't. Don't you think she didn't even bat an eye when we took her camel? What if, that was all set up and the reason the camel was super slow was because they fed the camel some medicine to make you slower? And the camel pooped because of the medicine?" I asked uneasy.

"That makes sense but if they did that they had to have a reason," Mike said. I was going to answer that but Erica answered for me.

"Because they wanted to use this to track us, don't you get it? They know where we are. We have to move before we're too late.

"Um and what do we do after that?" Alexander asked.

"We find out what Murray Hill and Agent Durkee are being used for," Erica said.

"Um and how do we do that?" Alexander asked again. Erica rolled her eyes and said,

"We find someone to get close to them, and who's the best actor to do that?" Erica asked. I smiled.

"Chip Schacter," I responded. 

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