Chapter 2:

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After the training Grounds Weapons test Liberator was enjoying her time on the base and she was gifted a room of her Own in the Eagle Union Dorms thanks to Prince Of Wales

In Liberators Room:

Liberators Room was all tidy up and straight up as well and on the Wall was the American Flag and her Alarm Clock on the table

Alarm Clock Ringing

Liberator: *Waking up and turns off her Alarm and Yawning* Oh boy *and Looking at window* Well I hope this would be a perfect day to be at a new home


This day was a brand new day for Liberator but for now it's her Second day at Azur Lane consider to be a another find day for her

Outside of Azur Lane Academy

After a few hours later Liberator was Outside looking around and she bump into someone

???: *Waving her hands super fast* I'm Sorry I wasn't paying attention Were I was going

Liberator: No it's fine

???: Are you ok Javelin

Javelin: Yeah I'm fine Laffey

Liberator: Javelin wait your the one from the Training Grounds right *Reaching out for her hand*

Javelin: Oh you must be Liberator that very large Carrier *Accepting her hand to get up*

Liberator: Yep that's me so whos the one with the Bunny ears

Javelin: Oh this is Laffey

Laffey: *Talks and Sleeps again* Hello.... Zzzzz

Liberator: So she sleeps while standing up that's a new thing for me

Javelin: *Chuckles* She always do this

Laffey: *Tired Way* So sleepy

Liberator: Mm well she's a Sleepy type

And she look and sees another girl in a white dress holding a unicorn plushie hiding behind Javelin

Liberator: Oh Hello there

The little girl was frighten

Liberator: Hmmm

Javelin: Oh sorry this is Unicorn she's a Shy type

Liberator: Oh *Walkie up to Unicorn* Hello so you must be Unicorn right

Unicorn: *Nodded*

Liberator: Nice to meet you little one My Name's Liberator

Unicorn: *Shy Tone* H-Hello Liberator it's nice to meet you

Liberator: Same *And she looks at her Plushie* Oh nice plushie Unicorn

Unicorn: *Shy Tone* Thanks this is U-Chan

Liberator: U-Chan

And the plushie move it's arm

Liberator: Woah it's alive too I didn't expect to see that

Unicorn: I think U-Chan wants a hand shake

Liberator agree to do it

Liberator: Nice to meet you meet U-Chan *Gives the Unicorn a hand Shake*

The Last U.S Aircraft Carrier: USS Liberator (Azur Lane The Animation)Where stories live. Discover now