Chapter 4:

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The Mission to gather the Intel of The Black Mental Cube was a success and now things are getting better than ever Thanks to Liberator, Oregon and Carolina are now Turning the Tide Against Red Axis

Liberators Room

In her dream

Liberator: Wer-Were am I

???: Liberator

She heard a voice and turn around to the source of the voice

Liberator: Captain

Captain: Good to see you Liberator

Liberator: *Salutes With her right hand* It's been a pleasure Sir

Captain: So how are you enjoying your life in another world

Liberator: Well sir its better just making friends here at Azur Lane but it was better when Oregon and Carolina came here

Captain: Good to hear but in our world the Federation is starting to recover from the devastating blows from there Weapon satellites and The Federation won't back down now

Liberator: So there going to continue to fight aren't they

Captain: Yes it's not going to easy to get them on the rope's for right now they're putting everything they have to stop us from bringing the war to an end

Liberator: I see

Captain: And the Sirens have you figure out what they're up to

Liberator: We have got a viable Intel but we did got a Sakura Empire Repair Ship with us and she's knows about it too but I think she may not have more information about it yet but we're doing all we can to figure it out

Captain: That's good to hear make sure keep making good progress Liberator you got it

Liberator: Yes Sir I understand

Captain: Alright good luck

Liberator: *Salutes With her right hand* Yes Sir

Dream Ended

Alarm Clock Ringing

Liberator: *Wakes up and turns off her clock* Just another day here in Azur Lane and it was a honor to meet you again Captain


In Liberators Room

Liberator: *Thoughts*: I still can't get the feeling about Red Axis the repair ship from the Sakura Empire know as Akashi knows why Red Axis got there hands on Siren Technology but the thing is what ever made Akashi to stay with Edinburgh and Sheffield means she knows what's going on and now the Enemy has heard my name now *Chuckles* Seems like they must already told them

Liberator was already dress and started moving towards the door and saw Oregon and Carolina

Liberator: Oh Oregon, Carolina is there something wrong

Oregon: Oh nothing Boss just hoping you'll come down for

Liberator: Oh Yeah I was on my way to doing that

Oregon: Alright

Carolina: Don't be late

Liberator: Ok fine I won't miss it

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