Chapter 9:

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Now Orochi has been Activated and it's now on the move and heading towards the Siren Fleet and Red Axis is in pursuit and chasing it down and they were shock that Akagi and Kaga we're working alongside with the Sirens means they did their bidding and now the Real Challenge begins and the situation is getting worst and now Purifier manged to escape with the Black Mental Cube alone with other Siren Ships that were damaged

Enterprise: The Final stage

Belfast: You always do show up in the nick of time

Enterprise: I can't just stand around if you all be so reckless

Belfast: A Knight in Shining Armored Thanks for your protection

Enterprise: Spear me it's not it

Liberators Group

Liberator and her group finished off the remaining Siren ships and the enemy was on the full retreat by going through the portals

San Francisco: Wow this type of technology is Amazing hell yeah

New Jersey: Wahoo I love it I love it I love it

Baltimore: This is not so bad at all

Ticonderoga: *Giggling*

Allen M Summer: Yeah I didn't expect we can bet them easily *Cheering*

Oregon: They're really happy Liberator

Liberator: Well yeah

Liberator group are on there way towards Azur Lane Base and it's still a long trip to get There and Liberator launch two drones for Recon operations and then

Oregon: What the, What is this

Carolina: Oregon What is it *looking at the tablet of a pictures capture by the two drones* What the

New Jersey: Guys is everything ok *Looking at the Pictures* Huh Uh--What

San Francisco: What have cause that

Allen M Summer: And are those Siren ships in the second picture and what's kind of ship is that in the picture

Carolina: We need go to tell Liberator

They all went to go see Liberator

San Francisco: Liberator

Liberator: Huh San Francisco what is it

New Jersey: You need to see this

Liberator look at the tablet of the two pictures and including the massive warship in the middle of the fleet

Liberator: No way it can't be

Ticonderoga: You know what it is

Liberator: Kaga and Akagi have made there move, we have to report This to Azur Lane and warn them about this

Carolina: What about the Ship

Liberator: I think this the Ship everyone was talking about, it's the Orochi

Baltimore: So That gigantic Ship Is Orochi

New Jersey: I didn't know but that thing is massive too

Ticonderoga: Yeah it is huge

Carolina: So the Sirens made there move now

New Jersey: I didn't expect the Sakura Empire wasn't able notice it now

The Last U.S Aircraft Carrier: USS Liberator (Azur Lane The Animation)Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt