Chapter 8:

735 11 1

Situations with Enterprise are getting a little worst but that far but it's was like the situation is about to

Enterprise's Dream

Enterprise: This scene again *Turn to her left and saw someone*

Enterprise: I don't understand what are you trying to accomplish by showing me this vision

Code G: War *Looking at Enterprise* War across all time weather on land or ocean I continue to fight every battle in the endless war this ocean and golf in the flame is my true crimson Lane as it will be for you

Morning at Azur Lane Base

Belfast: Good Morning Miss EnterpriseI hope he managed to get a good night's rest

Enterprise: Morning Belfast


At Azur Lane Base

Azur Lane Academy:

Prince Of Wales: the Sakura Empire is taken a bit of a hit they're going to need some time to recover unfortunately we ourselves aren't in the in the best position to pound such an opportunity

Cleveland: Let guess you're you're talking about the Black Mental Cube and all of Enterprise's strange behavior right

Prince Of Wales: There are plenty of reasons


Prince Of Wales: Did you learn anything new

Amazon: afraid not we're completely stumped

Langley: It's difficult to know what we're looking for when we don't know anything about mental cubes in the first place

Ark Royal: Huh I can see quite clearly that is clearly a black box

Cleveland: Ok hold on from here looks like the glow is getting stronger

Prince Of Wales: since it's related to the sirens we should assume that is a very bad sign

Hornet: If those are even thinking of messing with my sister they sure ain't getting away with it do you have some Kind of update on her

Belfast: She's not herself Miss

Hornet: I got you I just wish you didn't have to suffer along

Akashi: Akagi is the worst why did she have to cause so much trouble for us

Prince Of Wales: Akagi what's the one principally a aligned with the Sirens but now that she's gone I wonder how Kaga will act

Akashi: I once answers right meow

Amazon: We also some other information and we mange to pick up a Unknown signal that's is about far From here and it's long way to get there

Prince Of Wales: How Many days to get there

Amazon: Not sure yet

Liberator: Wales permission for me and my group  to have to investigate the situation

Prince Of Wales: Ok you Liberator

Liberator: Thanks

Hornet: Better watch yourselves out there hope I won't expect nothing crazy

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