Part 1

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"Amelia, wake up", I hear mom screaming from downstairs. Let me tell you, I am not a morning person. Pretending, I did not just hear her scream for me for the zillionth time, I continue to sleep.

"Amelia, wake up or you will be late for your first day of school", hearing that, I jump from the bed and look at the time. God, I only got half an hour to get ready and that is nowhere enough time, at least not for me.

I quickly shower and put on some light make-up. I do not like to wear too much make-up, I like the natural look more. Now what to wear? I quickly put on some black jeans, a white top and a black cardigan. Lastly, I complete the outfit with my favourite black ankle boots.

I grab my backpack and quickly run downstairs not wanting to be late any more than I already am. I see Mom, Dad and my twin brother Samuel are all having breakfast and as usual, Samuel is right on time and very much ready for school unlike me. Samuel and I are in our last year of high school and I could not be any more excited.

I quickly grab an apple and at the same time Samuel gets up from the table. "Amelia, it's time to be more responsible, now that you are in your senior year. It is time to take things more seriously, starting with waking up on time." my mother nearly shouts.

"Yea, Amelia. Don't want your lazy ass to always make me late", Samuel smirks.

This ass...

Did I forget to mention? My dear brother drives me to school. It is not my fault, that I don't drive. Since my mother thinks I'm not responsible enough, she will not let me drive. Also, he's their favourite child who never breaks any rules at least that's what they think. I forgot to mention always gets what he wants. As long as they can provide him that luxury.

"Okay, MOM!, I will try not to be late again", I reply. Not having the energy to start anything with her this morning. I quickly bite into my apple and make my way to the door, with my brother quietly following behind me. Did I say quiet? this does not sound like my brother, something is up with him. Not giving it too much thought, I continue with my walk to his truck. he unlocks the car, and I get in from the passenger side.

" You know sometimes I think you do these things just to annoy mom more," my brother says while starting up the truck.

"You know me too well, brother" I smirk and bite into my apple. He shakes his head and turns on the radio. He remains quiet for the remainder of the ride and I get lost in my thoughts...

Now besides being a so-called rebellion, I wish my human life was not so boring. We humans had a lot of rules to follow. Now you might be thinking why am I using the word "human" so much. Well, that's what the vampires call us. Yes, vampires who drink human blood to stay alive and they have been in existence for over a century now. Since then, vampires have been superior to humans. Vampires were raised to despise humans and humans were raised to fear vampires. RULES and lots of it were put in place by the king of vampires himself, who everyone feared. Vampire or not. I have not seen the guy yet, not that I wanted to.

"Earth to Amelia" I hear my brother say. I quickly glance at him and realize we have reached the school grounds and he has already parked the truck.

Sighing, I get off the truck, shut the door and begin my walk to school. Meanwhile, my brother walks to his football buddies who are all hanging with the cheerleaders.

While walking, I realize I see more vampires this year than last year. Now you might be thinking, how I can differentiate a vampire from a human. Well, vampires looked a bit pale and they were sparkly especially under the sun. Despite being sparkly and all, they were all beautiful creatures. While walking, I try to take a peek at some of them and try my hardest not to get caught. Jesus, how embarrassing would that be. Although a vampire can probably drain my blood in a matter of a second. I was relieved to remember that vampires cannot harm a human. Yeah! that rule was also put in place by his highness the king of all vampires. One rule that I stood by, happily.

After getting my schedule from the receptionist, I walk to my locker. After grabbing my thing, I make my way to first period, which was English literature. Once I reach the classroom, I begin to look for an empty seat. Before, I get any further with searching. I hear someone shout my name. I look to the right end of the classroom and see my best friend Sarah. Embarrassed and feeling myself turning red, I quickly make my way down to the back.

"Sarah, you did not have to scream my name that loud", I say to her.

"Oops sorry, won't happen again," she says while rolling her eyes.

I smile and shake my head at her. Sarah and I have been best friends since 5th grade and since then we have been inseparable. I could not imagine my life without her. Sarah and I have lots of things in common besides our appearance, which was nothing alike. She's got blond hair, blue eyes and 5'5 inches tall. On the other hand, I got brown hair that comes down almost to my hips, brown eyes and 5'8 inches tall. Although, we were both curvy, something we're both damn proud of.

"Lia, have you seen all these new vamps. I am drooling over here. How can they be so good-looking"? Sarah whispers.

"Sarah, you know they can probably hear you with their vampire hearing. I don't know why do you even bother, not that we can ever be together with one or have you already forgotten"? I ask.

"Yes, I know. Can I at least just look at them and appreciate their beauty?" she replies dreamily.

I laugh at what she says and at the same time the bell rings for the teacher to begin his lecture. Getting lost in my thoughts again, I begin to think about the rules. Well, especially one that forbids humans to ever be with a vampire and no one would ever dare to break it. Nobody knows, what punishment can be given to those that break that rule. All I know is that the king of vampires Dante Salvador will be the one to decide your fate. Just his name gives me goosebumps.

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