Part 6

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All I see is red. Everything seems like a dream. One minute I am about to kiss my worst nightmare and the next he is laying on the ground with blood all over his face. I feel like my eyes are playing tricks on me.

Finally Catching up to reality, I notice Kieran still standing over Ben and he was fuming. It looked like he was nowhere close to being done with Ben. If it was not for one of his buddies, Ben would've probably not made it out alive tonight.

It was so quiet, all you could hear was the crackling and popping sounds of the fire. No one even moved a muscle probably too shocked from what they have witnessed tonight.

The guy who stops Kieran from beating Ben earlier, whispers something in his ear. Just then he looks up and our eyes connect and just like that it feels like it is just the two of us. Just a moment ago his eyes were bloodshot red and now they were back to being their normal selves. Grey piercing eyes.

I don't know why am I so drawn to him. I know he's good-looking in all. Who am I kidding he's perfect from every angle, anyways that's not the point here. Besides him being strikingly handsome, I get this weird feeling when I am around him. Especially, when he's staring deep into my soul. I can't even explain it!

One moment, it looked like he was about to say something and the next he takes off so fast as if he was never there, to begin with. He was gone like the wind. I guess that's what they mean by vampire speed. I wish I could do that too. That is one thing I can honestly say, I was jealous of.

After their departure, everyone comes back to their senses, except Sara. She's still gawking at the spot Kieran had occupied earlier and who was no longer there now. She was too shocked to speak, I guess.

"Sara, you can look away now they are gone", She finally looks away and dramatically swallows her saliva. Honestly, she has a right to be acting the way she was. It is not every day that we get to witness a vampire beating up a human. They normally stay clear of us. Not that they are scared of us or anything, common now that would be hilarious.

Shit! I forgot about Ben. I look to where he was but the spot's empty now. He is no longer there, looks like his friends probably took him to the hospital or something. I hope he didn't break anything. I don't like the guy romantically, but still, I would not wish the worst even for my enemy.

"Okay, Sara. It's time to leave, it's already too late!" I say to her hoping she won't fight me on this.

"Okay, but don't think I am letting go of this so easily missy. We will soon be discussing what occurred tonight" she says while dramatically waving her hands around to make a point.

Too tired to reply, I just make my way to the car. I let Sara drive, I was too tired. I just wanted to go to sleep and forget everything that happened tonight. I know on Monday everyone was going to talk about what had tonight, I was going to become the new hot topic. All this time I was the invisible one and Kieran comes into my life and changes everything with a switch of a light.


I wake up the next morning rubbing my eyes and everything that happened the night before plays like a horror movie. At this point, I just wanted to go back to bed.

"Amy, come down breakfast is ready" Mom yells as always. I roll my eyes and get off the bed before she gets mad for calling too many times.

I quickly brush my teeth, wash my face and lastly put the moisturizer on. I make my way to downstairs and notice everyone's already started their breakfast, great!

" There she is, I am honestly surprised you came down so quickly" Mom says, as soon as she sees me walk down the stairs.

"Well, what can I say a girl's gotta eat"

" Okay, enough all that matters is that everyone is here to eat breakfast as a family. We should all be thankful" Dad says, while smiling at me.

I love my dad, not that I hate my mom or anything. We just have our regular banters that regularly happen and dad steps in to save the day.

I smile back at my dad and pull a chair to sit down to eat. Just then Sam looks up and smirks at me. Before, I say anything mom asks us a question.

"So common tell us! Did you two have fun yesterday with your friends?" She asks, then looks at both of us for a response.

I keep chewing my food to escape from answering her question. Hoping Sam will say something and we can move on. But, Sam the evil person that he is, says something that leave me with my mouth open and I mean literally.

"I had a lot of fun actually, but Amy here had a blast you should let her tell you what happened!" Sam says to Mom and Dad.

They all look at me for a response and all I did was look at them with my mouth hanging open. I was in the middle of taking a bit of my omelette when Sam dropped the bomb and now I am screwed.

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