Part 5

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As soon as my gaze connects to those intense green eyes, I feel everything around me come to a pause. I can feel my heartbeat pounding in my chest and I am sure he can probably hear it too. I can't seem to look away and neither does he. I can probably most likely get killed for this. Have I taken complete leave of my senses?

Luckily, I feel someone squeeze my shoulder only then, I was able to come back to reality. I completely forgot, I was trying to get rid of Ben before the vampires made their dramatic entrance. I look up to see Ben smiling at me and I try my best not to cringe. I was hoping by now, he would leave me alone. The whole evening I've barely spoken to the guy, yet he can't seem to get the hint.

"I can't believe they decided to show up," Ben says, with his arm still wrapped around my shoulder.

I look over my shoulder again and naturally my eyes dart to Kieran's again. This time he was busy conversing with an exotic-looking female vampire and automatically, I feel resentment towards her. Why am I jealous? He can talk to whomever he pleases. It is none of my business!. Just then our eyes lock and I feel myself shiver through my body.

Still feeling jealous, I decided to turn back around. I try my best to appear as if everything is fine, but deep down I am anything but fine. I need to talk to Sarah about these weird feelings before I go crazy. But, what would I even say, I don't even know what I am feeling?

I continue drinking my beer and try my best to distract myself from all the unknown feelings. It seems that everyone else is enjoying themselves, but me at this point. Sarah seems to be also having the best time of her life. Currently, she's talking to one of Samuel's friends and can't seem to stop grinning. I didn't want to interrupt them, in case it goes somewhere for her. She will probably kill me later for cockblocking her.

"Hey Ben, I will talk to you later. I just remembered I have to look for someone," I say to Ben hoping he believes my lie and leaves me alone for the rest of the night.

"Yeah sure. I will see you later then," I walk away as fast as I can before Ben decides to tag along.

While busy typing away on my phone, I don't look up fast enough and come crushing against a hard chest. Immediately the smell of lilac and honey engulfs me, I can feel my heart slamming fast and hard against my chest. In the meantime, he remained relaxed against me and his body radiating heat in this cold and dark night. Just when I am about to take a step back, he instantly pulls me back against him. My whole body shudders, as I feel his soft lips against my neck. Was he sniffing me? I jump out of my thoughts as I feel his fangs graze the skin on my neck. I feel my heartbeat quickening to an all-time high and cannot get myself to squirm away, not sure I wanted to.

"Amelia" I hear someone shout out my name, which helps me get back to reality. I take a quick step back and am grateful he doesn't pull me back against him like last time. I instantly feel cold and the urge to touch him again thrummed through my body. I look around and notice that we were partly hidden from everyone else's view by some over-arching trees. Thankful no one saw us, no reasoning would be good enough to explain what just happened.

I hurriedly walk back to everyone else and try my best not to glance over my shoulder. I could still feel his watching me intensely, as I walk further and further away.

Once I am longer hidden by trees and bushes, Sarah spots me right away. I stay rooted to the spot, as she makes her way to me. She looks quite distressed might I add, I wonder why?

"Bitch! Where the hell did you disappear to? I looked everywhere for you" Sarah says sounding annoyed and worried at the same time.

"I just went for a walk, okay. I would've told you, but you were busy talking to one of Samuel's friends. You seemed happy talking to him, I didn't want to interrupt the two of you," I tell her and hoping she doesn't ask me anything else. Afraid, I will confess everything if she did. I want to tell her everything that happened tonight, but not now and not here.

"Amy, you know you always come first. I would've come with you if you had asked. I was so scared for you when I couldn't find you anywhere"

"Okay, I am sorry. It won't happen again. Please forgive me" I say to her with pleading eyes.

"Okay, fine. Let's go and join everyone else" she says smiling.

Once we reach everyone else, Sarah goes to hand me another beer. I decline her off with a head shake, I've had enough beer for tonight. Just then I hear everyone shouting truth or dare, mostly the cheerleaders. What are we 10? who would want to play truth or dare? We aren't children anymore.

"Amy let's go, I want to play too," Sarah says excitedly while pulling my hand with her.

"What? No! I don't want to play. I rather just watch" I tell her in return she just rolls her eyes at me and keeps dragging me to join everyone else to play this stupid game.

"Come on Amy, it will be fun" At this point, I just give up and let her drag me the rest of the way. When we get there, I look around and see that they have made a circle. We don't even know most of these people, yet we are here. I shake my head and join them along with Sarah.

As we sit down, I look around and don't see Samuel anywhere. Where the hell did he go to? I thought he would be here to play this stupid game with everyone else and most people are so where is he? I wondered.

One of the cheerleaders Stephanie starts talking. I remember having a class or two with her, I just never had a decent conversation with her though. So I would say we don't know each other.

"Okay everyone let's start playing now. I will spin the bottle and whoever it stops facing, that person will be it. I am sure everyone knows, how this game goes. If you are it, you will be asked to choose truth or dare. If you choose truth, you will be asked a question and you have to answer honestly. If you decide to choose dare, whatever dare we pick you will have to do it. That is pretty much it. Okay now, let's begin," Stephanie announces with her squeaky voice.

When Sarah spins the bottle, it stops on one of her friends. I can't honestly recall her name, interested to see what she picks though. She ends up picking the truth and they ask her if she has lost her virginity and if "yes" then to whom?. I am dreading being her right now. She shyly looks around, probably for the person maybe?

"Hmmm, last year and it was with Nick," She says nervously. Everyone looks around for Nick, I do too and I don't see him anywhere. Nick also plays football with Ben, that's how I remember him. Seeing that Nick is not here that tonight, Stephanie continues the game. The game pretty much goes just like any truth or dare game. Some end up doing a lap dance, kissing and or taking their shirt off.

When the bottle stops facing me, I pick dare. Don't ask me why? My smart reasoning is that dare is better than truth. I don't want these people to ask me any personal questions and about my virginity at that.

"Okay, I dare you to kiss Ben" Stephanie announced.

What? No. I have not had my first kiss yet. I wanted it to be someone special, someone, I had feelings for. Ben is not that person.

"If you don't do it, we have to give you your punishment. I assure you if I were you I'd go with the first option" Stephanie says with an evil smirk. God, what I would do to remove that smirk off of her face. Why did I even decide to play in the first place? Can you please remind me?

With a frustrated sigh, I get up to do this foolish dare. I can't believe I am about to do this, I can see Sarah is also nervous for me. She knows I haven't had my first kiss yet, probably not believing that I am about to give it up here tonight.

Without thinking too much, I make my way to Ben. Who let me tell you looks like someone who is about to unwrap his favourite Christmas present. Ben meets me halfway, probably too eager to wait a minute longer.

"I have waited to do this for a very long time now" Ben whispers only for me to hear, his confession makes this dare even more difficult.

Afterwards, he leans over to kiss me. On the other hand, I stay rooted in my spot and close my eyes wanting to just get this over with. As my eyes are closed, I could feel his loud breath get closer to mine. Just when his lips are about to cover mine, I hear a loud crack sound in the air. I immediately open my eyes and what I witness has my whole body in shock.

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